11 ways to know if a dream is from God

Here are some principles that help you discern the origin of a dream.

1. Can you remember the dream?

If you can’t remember the dream when you wake up, it wasn’t from God. If God chooses to communicate to you through a dream He will ensure that you remember it.

You should write down any dream that you believe might originate from God straight away, as that will help you remember it later. 

When you do that, you should describe the main plot, characters and elements such as colours, objects and the atmosphere. Daniel 7:1 says,

"In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream, telling the main facts."

2. Is it clearly structured or confusing?

God brings order into chaos and clear focus into confusion. You might not understand a God-given dream fully but if a dream is confusing it is never from God. Paul told Timothy,

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 7:1)

Others translate the spirit of fear as ‘the spirit of confusion’. When God speaks He will always communicate with clarity—even when you don’t understand what He says!

3. Is the dream connected to something you are processing in your mind?

If the dream deals with something you worry or think about a lot it is probably a result of your subconscious attempting to resolve what your conscious mind can’t. Also, if you watch a movie late at night you might see a sequel to it at night—with you playing the hero! Unless the dream gives an unexpected solution to your problem you should disregard it.

4. What is the emotional atmosphere? 

Most dreams filled with anxiety or despair come from the subconscious that functions as an overpressure valve for our fears. If you suppress your fears and anxieties they will appear in your dreams. 

But God never adds fear to your life; He always reduces it. You might see a dream that shows you the cause of your fear but then provides a solution. This kind of dream is often from God. 

The emotional atmosphere is often the key to the interpretation.

5. Is the dream linked to something God has already revealed to you?

God often adds or brings depth to what He has already revealed through a dream. It is yet another channel for Him to reveal His purposes and perspective.  

6. Is there biblical symbolism? 

Distrust any dream dictionaries as symbols often have different meanings in different cultures. If God uses symbols He chooses them based on what they mean to you rather than someone else. On the other hand, biblical symbols often point to a dream coming from God.

7. Is it a ‘realistic’ dream?

If so, it might refer to a real-life future situation, unless it clearly refers to the past. You might not be sure whether the dream was from God until you face that situation, and then it will help you to act the right way.

8. Is there a demonic element in the dream?

Just because there is a demonic element it doesn’t automatically mean that it originated from the enemy, as it might be the gift of discerning spirits in you reacting to an unseen demonic influence.

You should always pray over these dreams, and the Holy Spirit will either give you more understanding about them, or ask you to reject them outright.

9. Are you doing something wrong in the dream?

If you see a dream where you are doing something wrong, it is never from God—unless it is something you are doing or in danger of doing in real life, and God is convicting or warning you. 

These dreams might be the product of your subconscious or originate from the enemy. 

10. Do you wake up into God’s presence?

Sometimes I wake up with a distinct sense that a dream was from God. At other times, I wake up into a strong presence of God, and that can be a sign that it is a God-given dream.  

At other times God is present as He is dealing with a demonic attack that took place through a dream. It is usually easy to tell the difference. 

11. What happens when you pray over the dream?

You should always pray over a dream you think might have come from God. When you do that the Holy Spirit will often reveal you more and begin to explain its elements.


All people see dreams but those with prophetic gift can often interpret other people’s dreams. In Genesis 41 Joseph is brought from the dungeon to see the Pharaoh as his chief butler knows that Joseph has the gift of dream interpretation. Both the butler and the Pharaoh worshipped the Egyptian gods. Perhaps the Pharaoh was used to seeing demonic dreams.  But this dream has come from God. That’s why none of the magicians of Egypt could interpret it. 

Joseph and Daniel must be the most famous dream interpreters of all time.  Both confessed that it was God who gave them their ability. 

Here are five principles that can help you interpret God-given dreams.

1. Ask God for the interpretation

Many often miss this first step. Remember that if God gave you the dream He can also give you the interpretation.

2. Consider the symbols

Are there any symbols in the dream that have personal significance to you? Be careful with dream dictionaries unless they focus on biblical symbols. In the ancient Babylon, a black cat was the bearer of good fortune but in the Middle Ages it was linked to witchcraft. 
There are no references to black cats in the Bible. What does a black cat mean to you?

3. What is the emotional atmosphere?

The emotional atmosphere of a dream is important and it often helps you interpret it. For example, the dream might show a challenging situation but the atmosphere is faith-filled. This usually means that God is showing that you will be able to overcome your challenges.

4. Does the dream feel realistic?

There are dreams that appear realistic and they can refer to past real events or future events. If they come from God they usually bring their own interpretation.

5. Is the dream meant to be understood immediately?

Dreams often refer to distant future. It took years before Joseph’s dream about the Sun, Moon and the eleven stars bowing down to him come to pass. When he saw the dream he had no real understanding of its meaning. 

If you don’t understand a dream, put it aside, but don’t disregard it. Later on, it can give you great confidence as when it comes to pass you will know that you are walking in the will of God. Joseph knew that it was God who had raised him to rule Egypt because He wanted to save Joseph’s family so he blessed his brothers rather than revenged their treachery.

6. Is the dream meant to be shared immediately?

I saw a dream concerning my local church in Finland over fifteen years ago. Yet, I shared that dream to the leaders only recently, as they had arrived in the season shown in the dream. 

Don’t assume automatically that a dream should be shared immediately. Instead, pray over it, and God will give you wisdom regarding sharing the dream at the right moment.

This list has been taken from the book Five Movements: Winning the Battle for Your Prophetic Gift written by Marko Joensuu. For more on the author, please visit markojoensuu.com

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Unknown said…
Hi Marko ,recently I had few dreams in a three continuos days...which is so confusing I would appreciate if you interpret it .

Dream 1
Am coming out, to backyard of some house it's not our house ,there it's full of pine wood ,few pine wood poles are leaning on the building ,some poles are in the ground only few is standing straight like tree . nothing has any leaves ..it's just pine wood poles .the ones that are standing straight are wobbling in wind but they dint fall ,I went out and took something in ground all of sudden the pine woods leaning on the building start to fall one by one on the ground .but the straight one just wobbled but dint fall .my dad came out and took the fallen poles and made it to lean on the building again
Next day I got next two dreams

Dream 2
Early morn I went to sleep late ,I prayed and slept within twenty min I got up having a nightmare .I literally shouted. Wen I got up and felt something in my body .The dream is I went and opened my sister's room suddenly the door went and got hit in wall ,my sister got up on hearing the sound and screamed on seeing me and I felt like my body became imbolized .i screamed and got up. Thats it .even after the dream I felt some pain
After sometime I slept again and had another dream

Dream 3
Am crying and coming out of some building it seems like my school ,I went to some roadside shop and getting something to eat ,my dad came to that shop searching me ,that time in the house opp to that shop someone died and they are taking the body out and making arrangements for that. .I was just watching it .all of sudden people standing inroad startofall one by one ..that whole place got coverd with some smoke ..nothing is visible am shouting like daddy daddy were r u ..I dint able to find him . .that time in one dead end one guy is sitting in ground and doing something I dnt no what's that .he said he s the one who made everyone on the road to fall down and he said dnt worry nothing will happen to your dad ,this can't affect your dad ..I got up .

Dream 4 .
Same day I got another dream I don't no whether its continuation or another dream but I got it in same night .
Myself my mom and my dad are walking in one long street ,myself and my mom walking together but my dad goes before us with bicyle. He is not riding it just walking with it. That time in opp direction one autorickshaw comes facing us .in that one girl is talking over the phone with some guy. I dint see the girl face but I remember the dress colour it's blue with pink ,she got down from autorickshaw all of sudden the guy with whom she was talking over the phone came in motorbike and stabbed her with knife all over her face .myslef and my mom are seeing this and we are moving forward in few distance two guys who looks like homeless mad person started to chase us ..myself and my mom are searching for places to hide behind trees and houses. But my dad who had no idea of what's happening behind him. Went and reached the place where he wants to go that is one house. And only after that he turned and waiting for us.

Next day I had one dream
Dream 5
It's one building upstairs seems lik my granny house ,my mom and sister are drying the clothes there .am going there. That time one raven comes there my sister is a photographer so she took a photo of it. All of sudden I don't know what happend that raven fell on ground and it's struggling to fly that time over 100 to 200 Ravens started to fly over the building and trying to attack my sister. That fallen raven tried to fly little and came under my leg so the 100s of flying ravens are coming over my head. I got up.

Am so confused.
Always I used to get dreams. But for a month I dint get any. All of sudden three days continuously got all dis. Hope u interpret and say. Thank you.
Marko Joensuu said…
These dreams don't really need any interpretation - they are an indication that there are demonic forces operating around you that are affecting your dreams. Often, dreams are the first place where we discern these things. Listening to this audio message that I recorded in Bible school might be helpgful - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVT6jasjbb4

Also. this article might be helpful https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2018/07/9-steps-in-developing-gift-of.html
Unknown said…
Last night-I had a dream.I was walking to a new university in a new country.I was excited and happy.Then someone I don't know have me lots of red roses-I took the roses with.they were so fresh and beautiful.when I reach the university-An old man with medical clothes who was well know as a medical Doctor have me a bracelet made of soft cotton -it seemed like a cheap cancer cloth that were being issued to everyone,but no one was taking this cloth,He insisted I take and wear it around my hand.then I took it and he watched to see if I wear it.Another lady then helped to unravel it and showed me me how to wear it-As we unravel the cloth-it has a permanent lock once you wear it and an expensive and valuable pure gold and silver coin on either side.So I realised it is actually very expensive and valuable bracelet than it looked before.I a dream I was happy and decided to keep wearing it as the bracelet had two sides both beautiful and expensive looking.
Marko Joensuu said…
There is a lot of symbolism in this dream.

Often, red roses refer to a romantic relationship. They remind me of a prophetic dream my wife saw just before we started dating. This is the story: https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2014/06/40-lessons-in-prophetic.html

I believe that the doctor and the university might represent your spiritual training. The service you have been called to do in ministry is not the most glorious in the eyes of people (although doctor represents healing, perhaps not physical but the healing of the body of Christ). It seems that the doctor and the woman are in the dream to reveal to you how precious that service is in reality.
Anonymous said…
I recently had issues with my boyfriend as I caught him trying to see his ex again. I tried to move on but he kept apologizing and showing that he loves me and he has changed.I managed to see his chats with his friend without his consent and in the chats he looked like he really regretted what he did to me and he says he still loves me and wants to be with me . I decided to forgive him and give him a chance, however the incident keep running in my head however much i abt it. But there's this dream I have had like three times where in a dream he says he wants to marry his ex instead of me. Could it be that it is a warning from God Or?
Marko Joensuu said…
Most dreams linked to relationship issues such as this tend to be the products of our subconscious fears indicating that there are unresolved issues. So, I don't think that these dreams are necessarily messages from God.
Unknown said…
My mother told me that God told her when I was still a baby that I'll be like one of the chosen. Can't remember her direct words. And also few years back some person told me in my dream that I be a prophet. I got scared and said immideatly no I don't want to be a prophet than woke up from that dream. My bottom eye jumps days before n close family of mine dies. I'm confuse I don't know what's going on or what to think or believe. It's actually scaring
SpeedEm said…
I always have a dream about my mom lemme list a few

1. There was a time I lost my tooth in the dream but in reality my mom lost her tooth

2. There was a time I dreamt as my was lying in the bed with my brothers so my mom walked into the room and held my hand and bite my two fingers

3. There was a time it seemed like I needed to leave a particular place but when I stood up to leave my mom there with me with a very scary and weird behaviour tried stopping me by dragging me back so I got scared struggling to run away from her I work up

Please what's going on
Unknown said…
I had a dream bowing before an elder in my community while he strechers his hand on my head in form of blessings. Then, a young man came by the side saying, if I go there and tempered with their names, they will deal with me even to kill but man putting his hand on my head just say don't disturb me. After while turning to go, I saw a familiar man make telling me about one of my uncle who is also a politician not to follow him. Meanwhile on my arrival earlier to the place, heard people saying, this is the council chairman. That, the other person will just waste his time. Sir, help me out
Marko Joensuu said…
Most dreams are products of our subconscious and they deal with our fears and emotions that we might not be fully aware of when we are awake. Losing your tooth is quite a common dream, and sometimes it is just linked to an uncomfortable feeling you might have in your mouth when you are sleeping that is visualised by the brain as a losing of a tooth. So I would not worry too much about that dream. The other two dreams might pick on how you perceive the way your mother communicates with you - perhaps there is occasional anger involved, although in dreams even little things are often exaggerated.
Cameron L Rowe said…
I had a dream a few weeks ago that someone was going to pluck me from obscurity and give me a great job. It felt like one of God's dream. Last night, I had a dream I was given a plum job as a writer and I met this beautiful woman and was married 5 days later. I worked with her and she was a newscaster on television. I also heard, "God can change your life in 5 minutes." Not in the dream but before it. I've been praying about a good job and a way out of my small city due to no good jobs here. All seem like dreams God would give me. No fear or anything in any of them. They were all upbeat. But, honestly, stuff like that has never happened to me in life.
Marko Joensuu said…
I am not sure if these are prophetic dreams as such, but they are certainly linked to the things you might want in your life. I would not get too attached to the actual content of the dreams, but I'd take my dreams and hopes to God and ask God to guide me.
Anonymous said…
Hi Marko,
Would God send a dream to your friend about your future to encourage you? Why wouldn't he just give me the dream? I had this turning moment in my faith when I realized that I was supposed to ask God what he wanted to do with my life because all the doors of my career were closing on me and he told me to sing. A couple months later I started to lose my voice and I continue to lose my voice even now but I still have a burning desire to sing. A year after he told me to, my friend had a dream that a Christian tribute band was playing my music at an outdoor festival and she saw people come up to me and tell me how much they liked my music and saw that I was very happy that they liked it. She told me that she thought I would be famous and encouraged me to keep on writing songs (which is what I've been doing for years), and she seemed pretty sure the dream was from God. I asked another Christian who is good at dream interpretation and he said that the dream means I will have a legacy and that's all he said. I am looking for another interpretation because I struggle with this doubt every day and wonder if I should give up music because it's been 4 years since God told me to do it but I am unable to actually hold any job at the moment because of health reasons. Hope to hear from you!
Marko Joensuu said…
God certainly gives dreams and visions to other people to encourage us - please read this story that accounts for different ways God did that to me at one stage of my life. https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2014/06/40-lessons-in-prophetic.html

Ultimately, you must seek the voice of the Holy Spirit in your own life to know if the dreams or visions others share are from God. Also, there is always much symbolism in dreams and visions.

We often struggle with what we consider delayed fulfilment of prophecy. For example, much of my personal ministry has focused for the last five years or so on helping converts from Islam to grow churches in quite a few countries. But God spoke to me about it first time in 1992! And before that, my involvement was to help broadcast Christian content to these countries, which was a much more of a support role. But from 2005 onwards I have seen a gradual fulfilment of what God showed me in 1992. So, these things might take time, but there is often a gradual fulfilment, when God begins to utilise someone's gift. So, as long as you feel personally that God has called you to make songs, you should continue to do that.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Marko, thank you for your reply
Unknown said…
I had a dream where one of my aunty was acting like a prophetess and she prophesies to my friend's, reaching to me she looks up and mention one of my friend name and said that his my husband that I should not leave him.but before we reach at that my aunty place we saw a cashew tree and we plug it and eat it.
Unknown said…
I had a dream in which I saw the biggest n brightest of moon in the sky. It shown so brightly that even artificial light couldn't withstand it. Inside the moon was a spotless white lion n it cub.pls help enlighten me on this dream I will glad to hear it
Unknown said…
Had a dream of someone telling me that God doesn't hear me what could this mean
Marko Joensuu said…
This dream most probably means that, subconsciously, you feel that some of your prayers have not been answered. But definitely, it is not a message from God.
Unknown said…
I have been having dreams that i am cursting out demons....and its not once or twice.
Marko Joensuu said…
Usually these kinds of dreams indicate a need for spiritual warfare and the need to develop a dormant gift of discerning spirits. You might find this audio teaching I recorded on developing the gift of discerning spirits useful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVT6jasjbb4&t=234s
Anonymous said…
I had a dream wherein an unknown person was laying hands on me. He took my right hand and at that point my three middle fingers were wrapped loosely in a sort of brown paper wrapper. The person in front of me took my hand and reached into this brown cover took my middle finger and lightly brushed his finger on it. He then said "there you are, now you can go and sleep". I walked towards a bed, but I was not familiar with the surroundings. In the dream I felt happy, but on waking up I was disturbed as to what it meant. I
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think you need to worry about the meaning of that dream. Most dreams are the product of our subconscious, and they often have irrational elements. I don't think that this dream has a message for you.
JoAnn said…
Thank you for writing this article. I needed to hear all of this. I had a dream last night of a sheriff accusing me of killing a Black Bear and there was a woman standing in what looked like an alley just staring at me. Immediately when I woke up I prayed that God would reveal what this dream meant. I wrote everything about the dream in my journal. But haven't been able to stop thinking about the Black Bear. I think the Black Bear was a symbol or stood for something. I am following your advice and keep praying that God reveal the meaning to me.
Unknown said…
I saw my self in a busy market,people selling clothes and everything,as i walked on i saw a very two beautiful blankets,they were blue in colour with stars and moons printed on them,and i wanted to buy the two blankets,so i gave the woman selling the blankets money for them but as she was packing them,i told her i had changed my mind and that i did'nt want ghe blankets anymore,so she gives me my money back.but before i could wake up..i see myself again in two paths,one seemed a steep hill and the other smooth clear road,so i left the clear road and chose the steep one,so i struggle to get to top of this steep,looking up i see a male figure,like a young boy,he slides past me and leaves me struggling i then look down on my right side,i see a man and he tells me there's a even easier eay to get to the other side and its through a cave,but the cave is very dark so i decline his offee.i then see myself in the other clear path,the clear path suddenly leads me into big house with empty rooms,then i wake up..what could that mean please.
Marko Joensuu said…
Most dreams are the product of our subconscious as we process our fears and dilemmas. The elements of this dream point out to you processing a fear that you will not find what you are seeking in life in its different aspects. This dream seems perfectly natural processing of human emotions to me rather than supernatural.
Grace said…
Praise the lord Marko, I have been reading through the replies you give to people concerning dreams and I felt a need to know from you how a spirit of discernment works because I believe am in that category that sometimes such dreams create fear and depression , so please help me.
God bless you
Unknown said…
Good morning sir. My name is success Adams. I just woke from a dream of a night, I had a dream and in that dream my right hand palm was very hurt which I believe the hurt is power From God I can use to deliver anyone from any satanic issues.. I also noticed someone who I prophesize to about problem he got into that problem and he was trying to attack me, but in he present i laying that my hurt right hand on some people's head and by the time he see someone fell under anointing the he left me..
Please help me out what's the meaning..
I converted from Muslim through encounter, I don't know much about biblical dream meaning 🙏🙏
Marko Joensuu said…
The pain in your hand tells that God is using to bring deliverance symbolises that there - like with Jesus, who was wounded for our healing (Isaiah 53) and the apostle Paul (Colossians 1:24 says, "Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church") who suffered for the sake of Christ and the church - that there is an element in Christian service that brings some pain and suffering to our lives. Also, there is a pain that comes with the use of any supernatural gifts, especially when it comes to dealing with deliverance from any work of demons. Also, the consequences of our prophetic words aren't always comfortable to us, as people sometimes respond to us negatively.
Anonymous said…
Hey I had a dream and in that things that happened years ago as a kid or a young teen, things I have done are being exposed. My life has been pretty unsettling this year, all I did or ever spoken to someone has come out in open, it's not like I spoke or did something really bad but when you still it's all my best conversations and everything that has come out and stabbed me in the back real hard. In this dream I had it's just another thing I did when I was young and did not have a clear knowledge of God. I'm scared that out of all things if this comes out there'll be nothing left for me. Is this some kind of warning from God considering the way things have been lately?? And do you think all of these things have something to do with my prayer of God please break me? I have such dreams more than 3times a week and remember most of them vividly. The dream I had the other day was were somebody very close to me, who I had to let go because of the chaos is in trouble and a very obvious possible trouble and for some reason I am connected to that
Help me please I'm getting really exhausted!!!!!!
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think that these dreams are a message from God regarding some events in your past life being exposed. It is more likely that the recent events have caused you to process some past emotionally unresolved issues in your subconscious, and this is manifesting in your dreams. The best thing to do is to bring all these issues again to God and thank Him for His forgiveness or ask for forgiveness from Him if that is necessary. That way, you will be able to let go of those past events by giving them to God.
Unknown said…
My cousin told me that she had this dream of me. i was sick and fainted they put me in a bed and pastors order my families to kneel down around the bed i lay down and starts praying she told me that they were crying. and at the end i got well. Please help
Marko Joensuu said…
It is hard to judge this dream, especially it is not a dream that you have seen yourself. But it might be a dream that your cousin saw because of subconscious fears in her life, in which case it is not a predictive dream. I am not sure if you suffer from any health issues that she might be aware of. On the other hand, if this is a predictive dream and you fall sick, then it tells that when they pray for you, you will get well, so in that sense, you should not worry. I am sorry that I can't help you more. Normally, if I need to get a full understanding of a dream, that involves interviewing the person who has actually seen the dream to understand more about what is taking place in their dream world to establish their spiritual environment etc.
Unknown said…
I had a dream that my pastors were cleaning outside their church. When I went inside the church it was full. Then there was another pastor he asked me how was I going to bless people then he asked who I was going to bless. I answered and said my friends. Then he continued to say to me that I was going to become pregnant and I couldn't comprehend that because I can't have babies. It seemed like he read my mind and smiled and said you will become pregnant
Marko Joensuu said…
This kind of dream is tricky. It could be either symbolic in which case it refers to "spiritual" pregnancy and God doing something new in your life. At times, it could also be realistic, in which case you might become pregnant. It is difficult to say which one this might be without more clarity on what other things God might have spoken to you about.
Unknown said…
I was accuse of issue I knew nothing about about so I was sacked from work.now i had a dream that my madam come to me and was pleading she needs my services again.i went there and I was told my coworker cause them to sack me so I felt sad and help the woman to sack the girl away.and I woke up.please can someone help to interpret this dream
Unknown said…
I had a dream of where the agonizing head of Jesus with blood dripping told me that I should not leave my marriage no matter what happens,then again I HV been having series of dream where my husband wants to marry another woman
Marko Joensuu said…
This dream doesn't really need any interpretation. The main question is whether it is the product of your subconscious wishes or a message from God. If it is a message from God, then it will come to pass.
Marko Joensuu said…
The dreams about your husband wanting to marry another woman are produced by your subconscious fears. What is the quality of your marriage right now? In the end, the core of the dream about Jesus is about the price of forgiveness. It cost Him everything to forgive us. I believe that He wants you to minister the same attitude of forgiveness when it comes to your husband.
Unknown said…
I heard a dream that I came to my mom's place she was already cooking when I came there so she begged me to complete it I refused. She then begged me to buy food for her I refused too she was begging me when I screamed she should leave me alone and I woke screaming.please can you tell me the meaning.
Unknown said…
i saw myself floating on a space with a man of God i know what does it mean
Marko Joensuu said…
I am not sure if it means anything, unless it is part of a longer dream.
Mark, mate, I quite like this blog post but it's festooned with ads about horoscopes and tarot cards!!! You're a Christian right?! I can't come here again or recommend your blog for this reason, mate! Soz.
Unknown said…
I had a dream months ago concerning a man my spiritual mentors thought id like. Before this dream though, the LORD had spoke to me telling me that I would marry and that I needed to be intentional. For about a month or two I really struggled with the idea of being someones wife and I began to struggle with how I viewed myself. The Lord called me to fast. I did a lot of refining of my thoughts. When my roommates first mentioned this man I joked and told them I wouldnt look at a picture of him, because every time I see a man the Holy Spirit says no. Now during this time I had a dream where I met this man. I had learned a few things about him and in my dream I walked by his work and saw him in the window. The moment I made eye contact with him I woke up and Immediately thought, "he is the one." I later saw a picture of him and he looked different than in my dream. After this I went to a youth retreat thing as a leader and while I was there I felt prompted to ask for new gifts of the Holy Spirit, specifically prophecy. at first I didnt wanna pray for this because I feel like people pray for this gift out of pride and that wasnt my heart. But then two songs came on about prophecy and I felt convicted and I prayed. after this service I went out and was covering a table for someone and saw an extravagant display and was immediatly taken back to a time I thought I had a vision of it but I played it off and said to myself, "if its real then Ill see this at this event." and then I started to think about this dream. a couple weeks pass and I mend relationships with my birth parents and then my grandmother passes so I head home to be a support and show my respect. When I come back I am at the air port and see a cone. (this is significant because when I was in high school my best friend and I would pick up old traffic cones that were lost in the ditch along the road and we occasionally actually stole some.I do understand how terrible that is now.so when I see cones in public its just funny now) when I walked up to the cone I noticed it had his name on it and so i took a picture of it and went along my way. the Lord laid 6 months on my heart. I'm not sure if this is for that or my "calling" as an evangelist. but I have been praying over my dreams and last night I had a dream about owning an appartment and having a place for my friends to stay and God giving them opportunity. when I started to wake up from this dream I kept hearing an echo of my voice trying to tell me the characteristics of this man. I have no idea who he was and I certainly didnt dream about this mean again that I remember. but I couldnt catch all that was being said. all that I remember is me saying, "he is originally from..." I thought it was Charleston. but I keep questioning what it actually was since i cant remember anything else how do I know that charleston is right. but it feels right. anyways. I was in the car with my spiritual mentor today and I asked her if he was originally from here and she said no and that she thought he was maybe from north or south carolina. then tonight we had a conversation with her and her husband and I and her husband said that he thinks this man is from "the new England states" and that he isnt quite sure. after our conversation he texted this man and asked him and he replied ohio or idaho and then said something along the lines of , "but thats a long story to be saved for a coffee meet up" so now they are gonna go get coffee. Weather or not this means anything I know that it would be good for him to recieve mentor-ship from this womans husband. all through out this I have been asking God to make things clear. I also desire to stay emotionally available for the lord in this season, until otherwise directed. I have not added this man on socials and if anything happens I will be pursuing God, and he will need to pursue me. with all that said do you have any wise counsil?
Marko Joensuu said…
Anything linked to the choosing of a future spouse is tricky, as our heart's desires get very involved in the way we interpret things related to a future husband or wife. That's why it is important to have multiple types of confirmations, and also to get to know the person in question well. Please read my personal experience on this matter, which I have shared in another blog post. https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2014/06/40-lessons-in-prophetic.html
Marko Joensuu said…
Google ads are quite tricky in a sense that they tend to reflect our online search behaviour but they are not very discerning when it comes to the categories of religion and spirituality. I don't want to block that category altogether. Also, I get a lot more non-Christians and followers of other religions to read the content that way. Getting the balance right with this issue seems tricky.
Anonymous said…
I had several dreams of my ex one dream I was with him and 2 couples our former Bible teachers they was discussing with my ex and me about doing ministry the most of dreams are good connection between me and ex what does mean ?as long I and my ex we are still in the contact
Anonymous said…
I had a dreamdreamsome years back when the moon was brought down by a hand (I believe the hand of God) and the moon was layed in my hand I was so happy and seeing how bright the light was but also very gentle and said to myself God has given me the moon to hold in my hands in my life time , I had in my hand for a long while before the hand took it back and kept in its position i felt so good even after waking up I still felt so good
Marko Joensuu said…
Normally these kind of dreams about problematic relationships are the product of our subconscious, which tries to resolve issues at night. I would not read much into them.
Marko Joensuu said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marko Joensuu said…
Moon is a reflector of sunlight: "And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3:18)
Unknown said…
Hi I have recently had a dream and in that dream I started off in a church and there was a brief case of money and the pastors there took the money for themselves and I was enraged I asked why are you taking the money for God and I told them that you are going to see what is going to happen now since you took the money meant for God after saying that a great earth quake happened splitting the church building into Two and a tree filled with white leaves came out at the front and then after that I was now dressed in a full Amour of silver and gold and it was like I was at war fighting for the Lord's people telling them to follow me so that they won't be destroyed and I was jumbing a very high wall don't know how but I was doing it and when I was at the other side I saw a woman but her appearance wasn't much clear to me she told me that I must stop fighting for these people rather I must protect a child that I am carrying because the child is more important than the people she told me that the child was a gift given to me so I must take care of it and the woman went away after telling me this and I woke up...
Unknown said…
I had a dream flying so happy then dreamt God sending written messages about love the words were typed in colourful extraordinary ways but these message was for the whole world to see them after that the were fireworks mmm this kind was so fascinating fireworks very extraordinary they were so beautiful in the sky but some people couldn't look up in the sky they had fear because it was one of a kind to experience such ...I checked one person next to me started singingon for this amazing experiencing with God'messages in the sky ,I joined that person to singalon with her I was shocked I can sing too it was like entering another realm spiritual melodious voice I was shocked I could sing aswell because in real life I can't.... I was so happy to have been experiencing such .... And I Could sense in the dream that God was listening to and he was smiling his face was not shown in the dream but I could sense since he was typing messages fr the world to see the presence was felt
Unknown said…
Hello Marko,I bless God for coming across this. I had a dream,in that dream someone I know in church was warning about my boyfriend,in his word ,he said:"he's not who you think he is"and ever since then I have heard alot of prophecy telling me how he doesn't love me and that he won't marry me because he's not my husband. One prophetess even told me that I will get married to a tall,fair,slim man,and my boyfriend isn't fair,tall and slim. I don't believe it's true because we share the same faith with my boyfriend, he's a believer I wonder why they would say he's using me. Please,what is the holy spirit saying?
Marko Joensuu said…
Personally, I am quite reluctant to get involved in prophesying regarding someone's potential wife or husband. I might know the answer sometimes, but I'd rather help the person pray and think it through for themselves, so that they carry the decision personally. Only that way the marriage will last. Occasionally someone approaches me and asks me a question regarding this, but I don't want to be held responsible neither for the success or failure of the relationship. But there are exceptions to the rule. Let me share how I met my wife, as this story cover various ways God speaks to us https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2015/10/how-do-you-know-dream-is-from-god.html
Unknown said…
I recently had a dream that my husband and I were in Jerusalem. We were walking up through a tunnel from the ocean and came across a few people who were mocking us being Christians. Suddenly a monsoon hit and flood began coming up the tunnel- there was debris and vehicles- just like the Japan flood. We reached the top and off to the left was a corner cavern that had some other roadworkers there. They grabbed me into this cavern Nd I was safe.my husband was stuck up top was safe as well. In the cavern I began to speak to the people. One was very leary of me as if I was a spy. Another woman came to me and I noticed she had a book wrapped in a cloth. She treated it with great respect and gentleness as she unwapped it. I realizes it was the bible. The next moment I realized I was looking down upon the wall in Jerusalem and there was fighting. Fighting amongst the people and even the camels. Then I looked off to the right and I could see the flood encroaching upon that area. A few days prior I had a vision while I was awake. What I saw was. Jesus on a white horse riding at full speed to a ledge that was lined up with other warriors on horses all along the ledge. It was the area between heaven and earth and they were looking down upon the earth- the next thing I saw. Was the wall in jerudaleum Nd it had 4 giant soldiers protecting each corner of the temple. What do you think that means?
Unknown said…
also wanted to add that I live in upstate ny!!
Marko Joensuu said…
This is a very interesting dream, and it seems to follow the principles of biblical symbolism. The ocean represents the sea of nations (like in Revelation), and the tunnel a hidden way to witness to the Jews. The flood represents the world events, which will affect the witness to Israel. The roadworkers might be building another way to Jerusalem. The fighting between the camels represents the fighting between the Arabic-speaking people. Jesus riding on a white horse represents the conquest of the gospel in the region in the end times, and the four soldiers are there to protect Israel.

This post on understanding the book of Revelation that I have written might be helpful: https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2021/02/understanding-book-of-revelation.html

Unknown said…
Thank you for taking the time to respond. This has given me excellent guidance and direction for me to understand a little better what God is preparing my family and I for. It can be quite confusing sometimes!
Unknown said…
I had a dream about myself and a couple other females went to do some work at the church and when it was dark and it scared me because all I seen was alot of dolls sitting in the pews of the church and I proceeded to walk down the aisle and a couple of the dolls came alive one tried to suffer cat me by covering up my mouth and we was tussling and I slung the doll down and as I was running the other tried to grab me then I ran into the pastor and I was telling him what just happened but he ignored me the he asked me how old I was at first I said I didn't know then when I calmed down I told him and I woke up
Marko Joensuu said…
This dream suggests that you might have a dormant gift of discerning spirits. It is important to understand how it works. Often we encounter it first in distorted dreams that can be somewhat confusing. It is important to not take these dreams at their face value, as the dreams themselves are subconscious visualisations of our reaction to our spiritual environment. Here's a link to an article I have written about developing the gift of discerning spirits. In the article, there are links to audio messages on YouTube on the topic. https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2018/07/9-steps-in-developing-gift-of.html
Unknown said…
My daughter had a dream last night were she an her friend is in the line to be judged by God an her friend is going to heaven when its my daughter turn God ask for her paper and gives it back to her an tell her to go back an tell everyone hes coming is near
Anonymous said…
Hello there. I've been struggling for awhile trying to figure out if a dream is from God. I've had dreams about people passing away, and then they came true. For example I dreamt my mom died, so it was heavy on my heart to share God's word with her so I did. She passed two weeks later. Recently I had a dream about my husband passing suddenly in a car wreck. Later I had another dream where his friend came to me hugging me and comforting me over his passing. Then later he confessed he had feelings for me in another dream. I don't know if these dreams are from God or not, I've never had feelings for anyone than my husband before, especially not his friend, but yet I've dreamt it.
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think these dreams are from God. It doesn't mean that just because you have seen dreams from someone passing and they have come true that every time when you see a dream like that, it will come to pass. It is probable that you are being attacked in this area. Please read my article on discerning spirits. https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2018/07/9-steps-in-developing-gift-of.html - there are some embedded audio messages in the article. They will minister to you.
Lia said…
Blessings Marko,
I'm not sure if your still replying to this thread but I sure would appreciate a reply. I had a dream that Inwas in a place I know know as Petra. At the time I didn't know what Petra looked like. I was there with my best friend, one whom I was baptized with a year earlier. In the dream we approached a very large and ornate ancient Jewish altar, her eyes got big & I had an uneasy feeling, she looked at me and said " Lia, we're finally here, we've been waiting for this, we finally get to do it. Then she guided my eyes to a giant boulder that was sitting next to the altar and she told me to pick up the rock and throw it on the altar. I looked at like she was crazy and said" I cant pick that up, I'm not strong enough, she said just try." I had such a bad feeling but I tried with all my might and i barely moved it like 1/4 of an inch. The dream continued in Petra and had to do with Martyrs it's kinda long and drawn out, also pretty self explanatory. But this part of the dream with my friend I'm really curious to read your thoughts. Thank you so much, God Bless you Brother.
Marko Joensuu said…
The explanation is straightforward: you should not try to make a Jewish altar out of stones taken from the Arab land. It will fail. I am not exactly sure what it means to you, as this could have either spiritual or geographic explanation. But I think it might link to something else God has already spoken to you about. Not sure if the the martyrs are linked to the Middle East, but in our work with the convert church in the Middle East we are seeing many martyrs.
musiwalo said…
Last night I almost was cheating on my wife,😢, and though I didn't pure sex, we have a bit of oral, so I slept and had a dream I was in Church, the pastor was far away and not visible and asked how he can help me, I told him I do not want him but I want God, I o ly want to talk to God because I want to repent. I was not told to repent but I am the one who insisted I want to repent and only God can assist me. I am not sure if it's as direct as it is on the dream
Marko Joensuu said…
You should definitely repent, and this dream shows that it is your desire. You need to begin to work to save your marriage.
Godssword Edet said…
Powerful article on Dream Interpretation. Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
Please, I had a dream and in that dream, I saw just a hand that shot out out from the cloud with dazzling light. He had this long sword that the tips were like hot coal, he touched it on tongue 3 times and each time he touched my tongue with that hot sword, he says take over.

What does this dream mean?
Anonymous said…
I always see my self either doing deliverance, fighting demonic presence(I am always weak whenever I wake up from such dream) and also being in front of large crowd talking to them.

What does these dreams mean.
Marko Joensuu said…
This is a classic dream that indicates prophetic calling. For example, Isaiah 6:6-7 says,

Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?”

The sword is the Sword of the Spirit, which means that you have been called to speak words inspired by the Spirit. The hot coal means purity which has been given to us by God because of what Jesus has done for us.

I would recommend my book "Five Movements: Winning the Battle for Your Prophetic Gift" if you need some help in prophetic development.
Marko Joensuu said…
It seems clear to me that you have a dormant gift of discerning spirits. Also, the operations of the demonic forces are active in your life against you. A dormant gift of discerning spirits often manifests first in dreams. Please read this blog article and listen to the embedded audio messages: 9 steps in developing the gift of discerning spirits: https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2018/07/9-steps-in-developing-gift-of.html.
Marko Joensuu said…
Great to hear that it has been a blessing!
Anonymous said…
I had a dream I was walking thru darkness and a woman appeared face to face with me I know it was a woman because of figure was shaped with breast she was covered in dark red it was as if she was naked and balled she was coved from head to toes my first thought was panic and confusing she just stared and i Stared back I reached out to touch in disbelief but hesitated my feeling were fear to pity to concern she was silent like I said I hesitated to touch her my mom tells if I have dreams that don't feel right just say Jesus Christ and what ever it is will go away if it's not good so in the dream I thought to say it but didn't instead I reached out to the woman and said with difficulty I will pray for you like my youth pastor taught me how years ago when I was like 14 but when I God ready to pray the woman just staired with no expression just blank and cold I said what happened are you ok and she said it's fine it's not blood its just a color it's a hot color I didn't understand that and said no I'm gonna pray for you she gave me the cold dead expression again and when I tried to prayed she slowly started shrinking away as I tried to pray but no words would come out and she just faded away and then I woke up for a minute and went back to sleep the next morning I woke up and my stomach was soar like I had a rug burn I pulled my shirt up and there were 7 little lines perfectly etched out on my stomach bleeding and hurt to the touch I have no Idea how it got there I've been trying to figure it out but I have no explanation I need to know what the dream ment and why the strange perfectly straight small cuts on my lower stomach and do u think there related?
Anonymous said…
It is quite likely that you have an evangelistic call on your life. Do pray about this. Be blessed!
Anonymous said…
It is quite likely that you have an evangelistic call on your life. Do pray about it. Be blessed!
Marko Joensuu said…
Both the dream and the cuts indicate a heavy demonic attack. I have been attacked physically like that in situations when I have been fighting in prayer for people who have had strong occult experiences in their past. You will need to step into strong spiritual warfare and get some of your friends or pastors who have a strong intercessory ministry to stand with you in prayer. I would recommend reading this article on my blog and to listen the embedded audio messages: https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2018/07/9-steps-in-developing-gift-of.html
Anonymous said…
I had a dream I was in a car accident I just rear ended someone and I pulled into a lot and a black male came to speak to me. He asked if I was ok I said yes I asked he said yes. I asked if his baby in the car was ok he said yes. He asked for my information and I gave him my real info. Earlier in the dream I was being chased by witches. And I could fly. But in real life I have been having problems conceiving. What does all this mean
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think this dream means anything. Most dreams are a product of our subconscious with us processing our anxieties through dreams. This seems to fall in that category.
Anonymous said…
I’ve recently been saved
In my dream I was in a building collage and I witnessed a tornado there was loads of people but know one was noticing the tornado but me and one other woman that I don’t have a clue who she was and was was running out the building and in my dream I wasn’t scared I was saying Jesus is coming & I was running towards a church but it was absolutely massive and beutifull and we ran into the church with images of Jesus on the floor in stone & we lay down on our belly’s as we was still in a tornado and I was kneeling and praying and crying out for Jesus then my dream changed massively I was in some ones flat and a old lady there ive had this part of the dream a couple times and I’m trying to video call my middle son and that woman Is there again I can’t picture her after the dream usually my dream from the this part stops but this time I had a video call come threw and there was my son in a white room glass infront of him and him crying with a man and two boys his age 13 and they were beating him and blood everywhere I was crying & then what stood out for me was a boy was behind my son and placed his arm around him and put his own thumb in his own mouth and all I could feel that it was very demonic and I woke up crying sweating and prior to me falling to sleep I pray every night I said out loud lord please show me my future I don’t know how to take this dream I’m recently saved thank you for anyone that replies
Marko Joensuu said…
This is a strange dream in a sense that the first part of the dream seems to come to the Lord: there is a security against the storms of life in the community of believers (church). But the second part seems to some sort of demonic interference and spiritual attack. So, these two dreams are in fact from two different spiritual sources. Here is a link to my blog post on developing the gift of discerning spirits, one of the spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to believers. https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2018/07/9-steps-in-developing-gift-of.html
Anonymous said…
I had a dream years ago. It does not scare me. I feel it to be informative. I was walking children home and as I watched them go into their house I knew that bad things awaited them. As I walked away I could hear yelling from their house. I wasn’t suppose to help them though. Something in the town was happening to all of the kids. I walked to the center of the town, a field and the town was there all waiting with weapons ready to fight and to protect the children. We didn’t know who or what was happening with the children but we knew it wasn’t good. On the wall off a building we saw a big mural appear of a throne. On the throne was a Demond standing on the seat with hind legs. He had his hand straight up on the air and a woman was standing on his hand like a pedestal.
Anonymous said…
Hey I don’t know if you even come on here to respond to comments. But I’ve had three people dream about me and I’m not sure what it means. The first person (my friend) had a dream that I was very weary tired and exhausted. She tried doing a lot of things to cheer me up. She woke up before the dream ended. The second person (my mom) had a dream that someone was running towards me with a long stick with intends of hitting me. My mom trips the person and they end up missing me. The third person (a friend) dreamt that news came to her of my death and she was just sobbing. I had recently taking my journey with Christianity seriously; reading the word more, fasting, praying and spending time in his presence. I feel good and renovated.
Anonymous said…
I was thinking either it meant the death of my old life before I took the lord seriously. Or it means a demonic attack is coming. Because I get a lot of dreams where I’m running away from evil people or those in authority. It could be security, police or even the army. I have prayed for clarity on these dreams I get but I still don’t understand them.
Marko Joensuu said…
It is likely that there is some demonic interference in your life, and that your spiritual discernment is reacting to it through dreams. In these instances, the content of the dreams doesn't matter much. But it is good to reflect on where that demonic interference might come from - usually it is because of places that we visit or relationships. Please read my blog post on deveoping the gift of discerning spirits. https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2018/07/9-steps-in-developing-gift-of.html
Marko Joensuu said…
If you get a lot of dreams running away and dreams filled with fear, it is likely that those dreams are visual and symbolic manifestations of the spiritual attacks that you experience. These kinds of dreams are mostly produced by our subconscious that visualises the fear-filled environment. They are not to be taken literally. What makes this more serious is that people around you are also seeing bad dreams about what could happen to you. This means that you are under a systematic attack where the enemy attacks not just you but also your family and friends. This indicates that you might have an important call from God for your life. Please read my blog post on developing the gift of discerning spirits. https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2018/07/9-steps-in-developing-gift-of.html

Perhaps only 1%-2% of the dreams I see are from the Lord and taken as spiritual guidance.

You might also benefit from reading my book Five Movements: Winning the Battle for Your Prophetic Gift. It gives a lot of guidance on how God is speaking to us. https://markojoensuu.com/five-movements
Anonymous said…
Good afternoon Mark, I’m not sure if you will still see this but I hope you might shed some light into the dream.

I prayed the afternoon before I fell asleep about wanting advice from God about an apartment viewing for me and my young child (4yo). To see if it was a good decision to pursue the property in the area as it’s a big step for us and I’m in between housing and the apartment was a basement one, so I was thinking alot about damp and security and schools etc.

I got a very intense dream that I think was connected to some of the activities in the day and my thoughts but the dream was so emotional and real. I woke up my heart beating and remembering a lot. There were a few dreams but one stood out that I was really scared but stood up to a young man who was trying to touch my child in a coffee shop and I was the coffee shop owner. I told him to leave my son alone as he was getting a little to close. My son was just sitting drinking hot chocolate. The young man left but then came back and then I shouted at him ‘get out of my shop!’ I will call the police if you don’t leave. I looked like the waitress so I think he was surprised. He didn’t say anything at all but just stood there and stared. Then I called the police and described his features ‘curly hair, black square glasses, red T-shirt, great jeans’. It was really weird I can still see his face but I’ve never seen him before. And then there was a dog a white fluffy dog that was so cute, a woman customer was holding him and the dog calmed me down. The young man was still there and I shouted more. I never got that close to him and then I woke up. What does this mean? Is this gods answer to my prayer?
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think these dreams have anything to do with your prayer. It seems more likely that your are processing many of your subconscious fears and other emotions in your dreams.
Anonymous said…
I had a dream my ex who left me unexpectedly after I tried to explain to him how I was feeling changed his profile picture on Facebook and he had been baptized. He was still standing in the water. We haven't really spoken since the breakup other than a couple times I contacted him.
Anonymous said…
8th of March 2022
I was some where like a university or wo Court place Jeremy (my lawyer) comes out of this building his walking he says hello to a few people then a woman comes up to him and gives him a big hug. I ask him to help with something I have a superglue tube stuck to my finger I can get it off but I want him to help me, he knows this he just pulls it off quite easily he then tells me he doesn't have a wife.The next thing we're like lying on the floor talking he is doing puzzles in a magazine and I'm looking at beautiful chocolate cakes, he ask me if I've had this particular cake in some sort of restaurant I say no. He gives me a look I say to him are yo taking the mick or words to that affect. He says no he may of been thinking of taking me there. We then start talking he says to me Roxanna can we have a telephone date I say when one of us said maybe not at the weekend so we decided to do it on monday and then he says something like maybe we could have a few telephone dates in the week. I say yes I'm shocked and nervous. Somehow we're on top of some kind of of rooftop building it's high up he climbs down from there very easily. I look down it's scary usually I can't get down from high up places in dreams but I find a ladder and get down quite easily. When we're down he tells me he has a dog called China (I think that's what he said)I ask what kind of dog I didn't hear the answer. I WAKE UP. Very happy
I go back to sleep I dream again and I'm telling my youngest daughter Kashauna all about what had just happened in the kitchen I also tell my eldest daughter sherifa and as usually she always finds fault, but I just told her I'm going to have some fun. And see what happens. I then went upstairs to my living room there was someone who looked like a guy i knew in my past a friend of my sisters called Mark Allgate he says to me have you got something to tell us your wearing an engagement ring real diamond's I look down as it was on my wedding finger it didn't look like an engagement ring it look like a wedding band of demonds. I told him I chose it though.

10th of March 2022
Dream I had a dream my lawyer Jeremy was acting jealous around my ex and other men that liked me but he then ended up giving me the most passionate kiss it was with the most loving feeling. I said he felt so strong. I woke up with such a peace smiling from ear to ear.
21st of March 2022
I was dancing with a man I knew surprisingly I didn't think he would be able to dance but I said to him you can walz and we stepped together in time with each other.

Marko Joensuu said…
I would think these are normal dreams birthed in the subconscious rather than revelation. They indicate that part of you is wanting to have a new relationship. But as there are two different men in the dreams, it indicates that in your heart you are not certain, and that your kids are more important to you than a new relationship. The best thing to do is to submit this whole area to God in prayer.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for your reply I have prayer on this alot also they are not 2 different men I said I recognised the man I was dancing with. I will.contin
Anonymous said…
Sorry me again I accidentally pressed the publish button I Will continue praying I do get dreams that have come to past good and bad. I think I know the truth behind this dream I just wanted a second opinion has I'm finding it hard to believe. Thank you God Bless 🙏🏽
Anonymous said…
I had a dream that a woman whom I am planning to marry and is now my fiancé is still dating other men in secret
Marko Joensuu said…
This one will need some prayer, as it is either a warning dream from God or your subconscious visualising your insecurity regarding marriage. Without prayer it is hard to tell which one. What you should do is to take this dream to God and ask Him to show you whether it is merely your subconscious or whether it is God talking to you. James 1:5-6 says,

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind."
Anonymous said…
Hi I am not Christian but I told my Christian friend that if his give me a sign I would listen.
I dreamed that in the past long long times ago. It was snow storm. I was on a big bulllock cart. Then I heard a voice. It was powerful voice. He said sending his words is not my job. I only need to observation. Do you know what this mean thank you
Marko Joensuu said…
Being driven in a cart pulled by a bull in a snowstorm speaks of life that is in danger and out of control. Observing means following God's direction in life. The voice said that you don't need to speak in His name. The dream simply means that if you want your life to be in control and not in danger you need to listen to His Word.
Anonymous said…
I've been having dreams of my ex lately, he ended with me 6 months ago, I broke all ties with him as it was the only way I could move on, I didn't feel I got full closure on his side. In my dream he wanted me to proofread his assignment for him if there is any mistakes. In the dream I said I would check this for him. I checked it over and amended the mistakes. He was so happy I did this for him and we agree we would meet at 'Cosmo' for food as a catch up point. I don't know anything called Cosmo, obviously Cosmo refers to the universe.
Marko Joensuu said…
Our subconscious routinely processes unresolved issues through dreams. To me, proofreading his assignment means that you want him to admit the mistakes he has made in your relationship. The chances of meeting someone again if the meeting place is the universe are quite slim, so it is left to chance. We can resolve to break up with our mind, but it takes a lot longer to break up emotionally.
Anonymous said…
I had a dream a few months ago about the second coming, and in that dream was just me, two of my family members, and a few people that I don't know, one of my family member went up while I was stuck in the middle while the other one was just at the ground looking at a black hole, a really big one and in the sky was a clear image of the Roman Catholic representation of what God looks like and he was not moving nor saying anything and the angels where beautiful, I was confused in that dream, then became anxious even when I woke up I was feeling anxious and a bit scared. I was thinking that maybe I dreamt about that because my facebook account was full of things about the second coming and the Rapture and all the bad things that will happen when you are left behind and It scared me to death thinking that maybe I'm going to be left behind and some of my family members are going to be left behind too
Marko Joensuu said…
I would tend to agree that your Facebook account messages might have fed your subconscious fears that tend to produce a lot of our dreams. It is good to know that our salvation is based on the finished work of Jesus on the cross. The best thing to do is to thank God for the salvation He has bought for you on the cross.
Anonymous said…
Hi Thank you for the reply! So it was a production of my subconscious mind? Should I take this seriously or not?
Anonymous said…
There are are dreams I have where I know are dreams and others I feel there is a meaning attached. The ones with meanings I feel are from God. I have had some from 15 years ago give or take and I can remember in detail as if it were last night…..some I now understand the meaning like what resembles my career, salvation for friends and family, influencing others without trying and even trying to prevent it. I have had one that one an actual event that happened when I woke up in real life. A week before my son passed away in my bedroom, I had what I would consider a clear feeling and message then followed by a vision as if I were dreaming (but I was awake!!!) A week and one day later my son died in the very spot I felt like my life was being threatened by an accident in the feeling/vision. Because I have had so many and then with my son’s death in real life after that, I want to look more into Biblical dreams and visions and interpretation.
Anonymous said…
Hi Marko

I had this dream 2 years ago few days after my birthday. In the dream I am breastfeeding a baby then suddenly I place the baby somewhere and I've lost it. Then I keep on looking where did I place the baby, as I further walk searching, I saw my phone and there is baby inside the phone. In the dream, I am trying to breatfeed the baby by puting my breast to the screen of the phone with the hope that my milk with pass through the screen and be able to feed the baby. As I keep on doing this, I am surprised that I can hold the baby (the one in the cellphone) in my arms

The I place the baby again the I continue walking, as I walk the surrounding became white then I face to the west (I am from the eastern most part of Asia). Theres a human shaped light saying to me, "This is your husband" then a man showed up. I cant see the face but I have some empressions about him, in the dream he is wearing checkered (red to be specific) the he have big stomach, and his arms and lower arms are slightly hairy. Then there's twins that showed up to me, so I say "I think the reason why I find it hard to look for you is because you are twins" then I suddenly felt that these kids are not mine but maybe to the guy. The 1st twin smiled at me so nicely whiel the 2nd twin roam around and playing spider man. Then I got curious so I try my best to chekc the face of the guy - then as I keep on checking it (suing my own effort) the face of the guy move to the ither side and the aura of the guy became evil.

What's your interpretation of this.
Marko Joensuu said…
This is not a dream from God, but you processing your fears, hopes and anxieties through a dream.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Marko!

Honestly for the past 10 years of my career, though my desire for marriage is there I have to set it aside because I need to focus on my career and I already loose my hope that God will give me the family I desired to have

Fast forward two years after. I got a strong desire to pray for a husband as the desire became so strong that I've decided to act on it. I signed up to dating app. I met a guy through online dating and we get along I guess so we keep the communication going up to this day. Though I find it ridiculous to keep our communication going since it's merely on chat I just keep going with the hope that it will be fruitful someday. There's an important event in my career that I've been waiting for that led me to go to his country which later led me to meet him. For me I am just visiting a friend (I dont consider that as a date, though it may look like for others). My initial impression of him is similar to the one I dreamt 2 years ago. I forgot to mention, in the dream when I saw the guy I dont feel butterflies in my stomach but peace this is what I felt when I saw him - theres no butterfly or giggly feeling but peace. During our meeting, he walked me through many place in his town and I felt pure peace.

I came back to my country and do some processing, I feel that for now we can continue being friends and let God do the work - I tried to push it further but it became hurtful on my end so I lift it up to God. So I am trusting him to do the work and see where it goes
Anonymous said…
Another detail: we are both Christians and active in the ministry of our own respective church. The app that we signed up for is a christian dating app
Marko Joensuu said…
This post on how I met my wife might be of interest to you: https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2014/06/40-lessons-in-prophetic.html
Anonymous said…
Hello, I’m not sure if you will reply to this but it’s worth a try… so I’ve been working a lot lately and have been exhausted preparing for a very important test coming up that I will have to take. And Last night I just said a quick prayer saying God be with me, I can’t do anything without you. And I was so tired and exhausted just wondering how I’m gonna be able to do this for the next three months until my test and that I trust his will for me. Then I had this dream right where I was laying and this just unidentified genderless being kind of appeared in my dorm and I was just trying to figure out who they were and how they got in my room but they just immediately just started taking care of me and tending to me because I was so tired like I couldn’t move and it was so weird cuz I knew this dream and I was scared cuz i didn’t know like who or what even it was all they said was turn to the side and they were still taking care of me then later they moved my phone from the front of me to the back of me and kept taking care of me and I was trying to look and understand who or what the person was and at that point I knew I was in a dream and tried to force myself up because I was scared because it was an unknown presence in my room and I had opened my eyes and they were still there taking care of me and I was scared it was actually happened so I tried harder to wake up and did. The presence was nurturing and assertive and it’s like they knew what I was going through already and there to care for me and tend for me. Could you help me understand this dream a bit better? Thanks!
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't believe that this was a good dream. I would recommend listening to my message on developing the gift of discerning spirits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVT6jasjbb4&t=235s
Anonymous said…
This dream sounds like a spirit spouse situation or a soul tie. You need to break it. Prayer and fasting to the Lord will bless you!
Successvoltage said…
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Lel said…

Hi Marko… I pray you can help with the interpretation of my dream. On the 31st of March my potential bf and I had a prayer together inviting God to sort of be part of what we are trying to start. The morning after the prayer I had a dream though it’s not the first dream I had but in this particular dream, we were in a restaurant and we looked so happy. As we walked outside to the parking lot we were then told that the ground is contaminated. It looked red and dirty. Everyone around us was running different directions but him and I just held hands and we were holding on to each other like we not letting go and then I woke up
Marko Joensuu said…
What you need to consider prayerfully is whether God is inviting you to be part of something that He wants to start, or whether you are merely inviting Him to bless what you want to start. The outcomes in these two scenarios will be vastly different.
Lel said…
Thank you for your response…2 weeks before this dream, my bf and I had stopped talking and I had a dream where I was in hospital. I could see pregnant women and some were in labour. I could see complications and surgical procedures and there was a friend of mine with me in hospital. While I sat down my late cousin who passed away appeared in the dream playing the piano for me. The melodies he played were not of any song I’ve heard and it was calming me down. The feeling I got from my cousins presence was to not worry. The friend who was with me then asked whom was I talking to and I said my cousin but the friend couldn’t see him and when I looked at my cousin all I could see was the piano playing but I couldn’t see him anymore. After I calmed down he got up and hugged me and said I should say hi to his little niece and he left. I prayed after the dream and as I prepared for work a thought crossed my mind that my bf is a gynaecologist so I’m not sure if the dream was about him. And another thing my late cousin was born in May and so is my bf. I never tried contacting my bf and after 8 days I think I heard the Lord say today is the 8th day expect to hear from him. I took my phone trying to contact him and I heard the Lord say do not go before me and immediately I put my phone away. I thought I was imagining everything but later that evening he actually called and ever since that our relationship went to another level. So im still also praying for clarity on that dream as well. I was actually married and lost my husband on the 8th of July to Covid 19. After I lost my husband I had a dream where the Lord showed me the number 8. Ever since that I’ve been noticing a lot of 8’s in my life. My late hubby was born on the 8th of Jan and died 8th July buried after 8 days. My first love we started dating on the 8th of July. I’m born in 88. My current bf we started dating on the 8th of March. There are so many 8’s I’ve noticed since that dream. So yeah I’m very confused about the dreams I’ve been having but I continue to pray for God to reveal everything to me and I am definitely gonna pray again so I may know if it is God inviting to be part of something He wants to start or if I’m the one starting everything. Thank you so much
Anonymous said…
Hello I just dreamt that somethings were hitting my head severally and am seeing a shadow behind it. Then am seeing flashes of light . Finally.i wake up . But I strongly sense this is spiritual. So could I be saying right?
Marko Joensuu said…
Dreams involving loved ones we have lost are always tricky to interpret. I lost my dad last October, and I keep on seeing dreams about him, last time jus this morning. What it tells me is that I am still processing the loss. It is good to pray over all these kinds of dreams until God gives clarity.
Marko Joensuu said…
This kind of dream can be linked to discerning spiritual attacks. This article might be helpful. https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2018/07/9-steps-in-developing-gift-of.html
Lel said…
Thanks again and I will continue praying until I get clarity. Really appreciate your response
Anonymous said…
I had a dream That my boyfriend was trying to leave but I wouldn’t let him so he just laid there unhappy and I had a lot more kids jumping around during it all what does this mean very scary as I am very in love with my boyfriend!
Marko Joensuu said…
It seems like you might be processing your subconscious fears in your dreams.
Anonymous said…
What does it mean when a guy rest his head on your shoulder. I ask God if this man that's a believer in Christ liked me because I was seeing all the signs that he does. And I kept asking and one night I dreamed that we were at work and I was showing him a list and as I was showing him, he got so close to me that I could feel his body heat. And then all of a sudden he laid his head on my shoulder. This dream felt real because I could feel his body close to mine and his head on my shoulder. And I had another dream that I dreamt twice in a row it was about his mom that I never met and in the dream we were getting along and she was treating me nice. Second dream I just saw her and her son standing together as I walked in the room. I don't know why I dreamt about his mom. This dream came out of nowhere.
Marko Joensuu said…
What this dream means is that you probably have some feelings for this guy. It doesn't seem to me like a dream from God as such. Whether this is a relationship that you need to pursue is something that you need to pray for. But I don't think that there is anything in this dream for or against, only signs of some affection in your heart.
Lel said…
Hi Marko

On the 2nd of April I shared details of a dream I had about my bf and I leaving a restaurant and all… I’ve been praying about the dream as you said I should and last night I had yet another dream. In this dream I was having sweet corn and he was sitting right next to me. We shared the corn. I remember the sweet corn 🌽 being split into halves. I remember I ate the corn and really enjoyed it. The dream kept on repeating
Marko Joensuu said…
Dreams linked to romantic relationships are the hardest to discern. If we have affection for someone, they will often appear in our dreams. You should keep on praying over the relationship.
Anonymous said…
I had a dream in December 2019 that I was in a large waiting room. There were many people there who had been there a long time and were either bored or napping and the air was filled with carbon dioxide from everyone’s breath and there was a sense of ennui in the room and deep lethargy. It was crowded, so i sat on the floor against the wall with a friend who was maybe from high school. We shared headphones and listened to my ipod like we were in highschool. When i looked to the left, there was a counter like at a pharmacy across from a door that opened on my far left against the same wall i was sitting against. Suddenly it opened and medical professionals began rushing in with machines. I suddenly seemed to be able to fly over to one of these machines and see a close up. they were about 4 feet tall on wheels with full bodies and a big square screen on top. The screen had lots of medical numbers and lines that i could not interpret and didn’t see how they were important. These medical nurses would rush in and out with the machines. They would go up to the pharmacy window and then turn back around and go out the door. Then more. It seemed like chaos. Meanwhile, everyone in the waiting room slept and was very bored. I looked out and saw a man in a black robe or blanket sleeping across some of the chairs with a girl. The girl seemed to have dyed blonde hair. I recognized him. My friend and I then became so bored that we decided to turn up the music on our headphones and dance. We danced without care, not minding that we looked silly at all. We just wanted to make fun out of boredom. The song was beautiful and poppy and I felt uncharacteristically beautiful and confident dancing. In real life, I am always self-consicous and avoid it. Then I looked at the man in black. He had opened one eye and looked directly at me. I had a moment to decide if I was going to become self conscious and sit back down, but I didn’t. I danced even more and felt even more free and beautiful in my silly dance. The man laughed. He got up and came over to me and my friend. He said since you have entertained me, I will try to entertain you now. He got out a magic trick. All I remember was a laser, a white ping pong ball. My friend was not impressed but I was enthralled and anxious to know his secrets and see more. My friend went to the other side of the room and I went and sat down against the wall with the man in black. He was going to show me another trick. He pulled out a snake from his sleeve. It was light yellow and white. He said touch it. I said that’s not a trick, it’s a snake. And I didn’t want to. He said it’s ok, trust me it always warns twice before it bites. So I quickly touched its head and everything was fine. I said put it away now. The man in the black robe put the snake back up his sleeve. We talked for a little bit about nothing and the conversation died. I said I needed to go back to my friend. Everything went black. When I woke up, the room was empty and calm, no people, no chairs. The lights were off except for a window high on the wall letting in sunlight filtering through green leaves casting beautiful light into the white waiting room. It was empty I realized except for the man in the black robe. He was laying on the floor, but alone this time, without the blonde woman. He said something to me and i crawled to him across the white floor and lay down silently. Then I awoke slowly. When I woke up I had a golden feeling in my heart. I had never even known this feeling was possible. I felt it in the end of my dream and still when I woke up for several minutes. It was a very beautiful golden feeling. A lot has happened since 2019, but I still do not know if this dream was from God.
Marko Joensuu said…
It is a very structured dream. I did pray about it because of that. But I did sense that this isn't a dream from the Lord as such. Although it might help you to process your own thoughts.
Anonymous said…
Hi Marko 👋 I've had a dream a few weeks back where i was in a place where i saw a man he was staring at me i was a little bit frightened cos if the way he was looking at me i then attempted to run away but i realized that if I'd have ran he was
Ready to pursue me so i stood and pointed at him with my right hand saying i" rebuke you in the name of" i was about to say Jesus but i couldn't say the name and then he told me we don't say that name here and then i got scared and i ran I shouted Jesus he was pursuing me and then the next moment i was lifted up to the sky and there was like a commotion down as if they were fighting i cannot remember and i heard a voice from heaven saying preach my gospel. That's one dream and i would like to tell you two different dreams i had which were about weddings the first one i was invited to a wedding my friend actually invited me and then i was there i think i was talking and two girls wearing hijab black to be precise from head to toe looked at me and told me to stop bringing my tongue out thaf who am i trying to seduce i looked at them confused and i was like who am i trying to seduce i think i said something about them but they didn't hear then a guy who seemed to be interesting in them told them the stuff i said about them i was so disgusted about the boy and called him stupid for telling them then i left that wedding and headed to another wedding the next door where i sat at the front the environment was very positive the couples were dancing to a slow song i sang to the song too and my voice was loud i was singing it with so much grace it was melodious and i enjoyed it then i went to the other wedding i was in before and realized that that wedding flopped and my friend was not happy about it then i woke up. the next dream i was in one place i think i went there to watch an event cos there was an event going on there before i knew it i saw somebody proposing to me i was sooo happy i said yes and spent like a week in guys place before the actual wedding , then I think on the day of my wedding i saw a missed call on my phone of a guy he's my friend so i think i called back and he was like Rachael I can't believe you're getting married it's a lie and i was like how do you know he was like you posted it i didn't even realize i posted the engagement the first person that now came into my head was one of my male we're really close and even spoke about getting married i saw that he left a one long letter of him going to UK permanently to stay i read it on the day of my wedding i wasn't happy when i read it but didn't want to look sad so my parents and his parents wouldn't start asking questions it felt like i was marrying tye wrong person i wasn't happy but i liked the idea of a wedding, i then realized that my engagement ring wasn't original it was actually plastic it broke in the band side and we were just looking for another Ring 💍 to present that day on the wedding alter, we found something and went to the alter i was only happy about the idea of marriage, a ring and being the center of attention but not the person I was getting married to it just didn't feel right i could even remember when the priest told us to make a wish then i made a wish in my mind to get married to my soulmate one day
I woke up.
Please what could they mean?
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think that any of these dreams are from God. It does seem that you are subconsciously processing issues linked to marriage and choosing the right partner. So these dreams visualise some of your fears and aspirations.
Anonymous said…
But since some of it happened? Can demonic dreams be prophetic or partially prophetic?
Anonymous said…
I deramt of my football coach telling me that he will make me ho far in football and suddenly i saw my self in the field where peopele are over crowded
Anonymous said…
I have had similar dreams like the one you mentioned were you saw angels and all. I truly believe that Jesus is coming soon and that is the dream you had. It was a reminder to yourself and to tell others to repent.
Anonymous said…
I always get dreams about someone in my church trying to date the postor or bewatch the church can you please tell me what it means
Anonymous said…
I dreamt with my step grandma who used to hate and criticise me,and in that dream we were in a living room with my two of my church members and my grandma was also there watching the tv and that was in the same old house we used to live in,so I'm not sure what does that mean because the moment she looked at me,I had to ran to my bedroom and that's how it ended. So I really don't understand what this is about...
Marko Joensuu said…
Most dreams visualise our repressed emotions. This seems like one of them. So, all this dream shows is that you have unresolved issues with your stepgrandma.
Marko Joensuu said…
Hard to say much about this dream apart from the fact that it is encouragement.
Anonymous said…
I had a a dream the other night of my husband selling me to these witches for 5,000 dollars and then all of a sudden I’m walking down a dark neighborhood following a man .and I’m seeing all around witches doing spells and I said to myself in my head I do not want to be here .then I appear in a dark room and then there’s the man talking I can’t remember him only saying that my husband didn’t care about me .then I see this little boy with black hair just standing there looking scared .i was afraid I started singing this song that is always continually in my head replaying .I had this song come on and I sing it to my mom when I was 18 and going into rehab after a big almost dying from drug overdose . Anyways I started singing it in the dream and then the hit was screaming and I woke up .
Marko Joensuu said…
The specifics of the dream are misleading, as they are the result of your subconcious picking up a demonic presence somewhere in your environment. So, don't worry about the content of this dream but concentrate on protecting yourself spiritually. Here's a helpful article on how to develop your gift of discernment that I have written. https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2018/07/9-steps-in-developing-gift-of.html
Anonymous said…
I have been having dreams in several times IAM talking to God and performing more miracle i.e raising Dead people healing all sick people and seeing presence of God coming to me like a snow
I also like to see God's hands and legs
What it means to me ?/
Marko Joensuu said…
It means that God wants to give you some spiritual gifts. I don't know where about in the world you live, but reading my book "Supernatural Love: Releasing the Compassion of Jesus Through the Gifts of the Spirit" would be helpful for you.
Mr.Sanyo said…
I am undergone cancer (2nd time remission )treatment, Had a dream of fish flying out of my well (spring). A big fish that fall on my eating plate. When i open its mouth, fish have only half number of teeth only. What does it means. Can you pls share your views.
Marko Joensuu said…
This dream doesn't really have a particular meaning. The missing teeth do refer to fear of loss in your life though, but this is not a dream from God, but more or less processing some of your subconscious fears in visual and symbolic form.
Anonymous said…
Hello Marko, I had a dream a couple of years back where I was in a relationship with someone but in that dream I was getting married to another person and the man I was in the relationship with was at the wedding assisting as a pastor. but when I finally got to my new husband's house, I began regretting and the thought that kept ringing in my mind was that he wasn't born again. however both men fellowshipped in thesame living church
Marko Joensuu said…
Perhaps this dream narrates some subconscious feelings you felt towards these two men.
Anonymous said…
I've been studying the end times, and just last night I hadn't dreamed all night, and then suddenly in my dream I see a headless dress suit (presumably a man) standing, and I was startled and awoke when a snake slithered out of the head portion of the suit. It was 4am, and I've only dreamt this once. I'm concerned by the image of the snake, and don't dare to get too far deep in the symbolism of it.
Marko Joensuu said…
I wouldn't focus too much on the dream itself; it seems that it is merely a visualization of your subconscious fears. But they might be aroused because you have a dormant gift of discerning spirits, which can often pick spiritual influences around you, which are then manifested in dreams. Reading my blog post on the gift of discerning spirits might be helpful. https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2018/07/9-steps-in-developing-gift-of.html
Anonymous said…
Hi Marko. I am not sure if you are active on this big page still. But I have some dreams that I have been having which I think you can help me interpret.

The first was when I was praying for a future spouse and for God to prepare and reveal her to me, I was in this dream where I saw my whole life and sins flash before my eyes to the present. I recently repented of those sexual sins a month before the dream. I was naked and thought I had died with my heart heavy with all my unmet desires including finding a wife and starting a godly family God’s way. I then walked through this narrow hallway through a door and was blinded by bright white dazzling light. I felt like I didn’t belong but was then was clothed in white. This man was waving me down clothed in white sitting down in this court like stadium telling me that he knew me as his friend. I came and say over with him and he had something to tell me. He told me that my sister is looking for me. I told him that I have no sister but only a brother. He asked me if I was sure. I told him that I had cousins and relatives but not a sister. The third time he replied to me that I was mistaken and I already know her. The only person I would consider near and dear to me like a sister was my ex from college when we both loved each other deeply but she transferred out of my college and that’s how the relationship ended because I chose to let her go knowing it would the best thing for her and that’s what I wanted for her as well.

The second dream was recently that at night, I had a backpack on me walking around the college campus we met and to the front of the Church my ex and I first met at. I pick up what appears to be a penny off the ground since I have been finding them everyday the last 4 months when I go out to the store or somewhere. Then there’s this message with a piece of parchment telling me to “go seek and CONNECT with my ex. Beware of ENVY and the other sins and vices listed in Scripture.” I asked if the person giving this message knew me, and my birthday and personal information appeared on the parchment with my birthday being during Holy Week this year. I am still trying to figure this one out as I think God is telling me to go seek my ex girlfriend from college out since he uses her name in the message.

The third dream was that I saw my ex from college and me sitting in the church we first met praying together in front of Jesus present as the Eucharist inside the tabernacle on top of the altar. I then notice this dark shadow of a figure emanating such malice and hate that it pierced my soul while I was sleeping making me think it was Satan himself. It took on this twisted form of a human saying that it was envious and jealous of our relationship and will do everything it can to keep us apart. It got in between her and me. I then prayed to the Holy Spirit and saw Him descend on me like a Dove and allow me to push this dark figure away and communicate to my ex calling her by name. She was confused, afraid, unsure, and alarmed because of that figure coming between us. I told her it’s been such a long time. We both were feeling afflicted like we were sick in that dream not like ourselves, but she was suffering severely while I was moderately. She didn’t want to make me worse again but I told her that I am getting better and that’s the only direction I can go now to put her at ease. She had peace after that. We then discussed picking up our relationship where we left off, and we both agreed that we needed to heal and get better first but would also love to come back together again. We both agreed to help each other with our problems like a husband and wife would do even though we weren’t married or dating. We both walked out the Church and we went our separate ways in the daylight like before. However this deal figure gave this twisted sheik toothy grin and taunted me saying that he won’t allow us to come together and followed her like a shadow.
Marko Joensuu said…
It seems to me that you have unresolved issues with these women that play out in your dreams. But the reference to sister means that God is asking you to learn to relate to women differently. 1 Timothy 5:1-3 asks to treat younger women as sisters. I don't think you need to go back to your ex. But the shadow that follows you is the fear that your previous failures in this area will obstruct you from finding and keeping your true love.
Anonymous said…
Hello Mark I dreamt about my aunt was dying in a dream but I reached their and I started cussing demon what does that mean
Marko Joensuu said…
These kinds of dreams usually indicate a demonic disturbance in your environment, which is picked up by your sense of discernment and is manifested in dreams. So, you should not be intimidated by the content of the dream, but seek to strenghten yourself in prayer and studying the Bible.
Anonymous said…
I had a dream last night that I was on my nanas porch, about to bring her dogs in the house for her and the wind was blowing, it was getting dark outside, leaves were rustling, and all of a sudden I saw a pair of feet in Sandles in the dessert sand. It was very burnt orange in color and the air around it was burnt orange color. It thundered so loud and cracked lightning so loud that I snapped back into my reality and knew something was coming. I was scared and was trying to hurry to bring the dogs back in to warn my nana of it. I woke up immediately anxious and nervous. I prayed about this dream as I haven’t dreamt in so long. I’ve just been praying on this all day hoping I get an answer as to what this may mean, or if it’s simply a dream.
Anonymous said…
I just had a dream I was in my room the door was closed and I had a Lady's voice which I can't recognize calling me called me three times and I answered three times immediately I woke up from sleep
Marko Joensuu said…
It is simply a dream that procecces some of your subconscious fears.
Marko Joensuu said…
I am a bot worried about this dream, as this might indicate there is a demonic intrusion in your life. Do you deal with emotions of anxiety, intimidation or fear in your life?
Anonymous said…
I have a dream that l was preaching the gospel of God to a group of people and telling them to receive power in Jesus name.........please what does this dream means.....assist me
Anonymous said…
Last night l dreamt a person was sleeping with me. I sleep alone and tend to sleep on the right side of the bed. I saw very clearly a form sleeping on my bed. It was not sexual at all. There was a respectable space between us. I could not see the head or legs, but it felt male and was dressed in a beautiful green shiny fabric outfit. Can you tell me what you think of this dream?
Marko Joensuu said…
I think that God is encouraging you to preach the gospel.
Marko Joensuu said…
There are two possible explanations: either you are missing a male presence in your life, or possibly, if you are, for example, experiencing anxiety, fear, intimidation or confusion regularly in your life, it might be a manifestation of a demonic presence in your environment.
Anonymous said…
I dreamt that the night turned into day and there were three suns in the sky. I went the rooftop with my boss and heard wolves and other monsters in a distance and screams of people… I started praying immediately and went downstairs and closed myself with my girlfriend in our room and prayed with her. I was convinced it was the rapture so I was distressed in knowing I was to be condemned. I feel defeated, I’ve only turned to Jesus recently, I have repented and am repenting but I do not know if it’s enough. What else do I need to do to be saved? I’m so scared…
Marko Joensuu said…
You don't need to do anything else. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Reflect on these two verses and thank God for what He has already done. This dream is simply you processing your own fears.
Anonymous said…
I had a dream yesterday night, a showed man with a a face of light was sitting next to me, i turned to him and asked him what he wanted from me. We where sitting outside under the midnight sky full of stars, only him and me there was no fear, i was awake in this dream fully aware of myself and what i was saying. He told me to be ready.. Mary is coming to call. I told him i didn't understand what that means, he said it again but the 2nd part of the message was not understanding because it sounded like 2 people talking over each other then repeated again to be ready. My last words was i don't understand. And i fully was awake from my dream that didn't feel like a dream and fully aware. There was no fear in this but me waiting for something. I did not fear this man but knew he had something to tell me.

Marko Joensuu said…
This is likely to be a jumbled dream created by different issues your subconscious is processing. So I don't think it is a prohetic dream.
Anonymous said…
Good morning,I came across this page of dreams interpretation,please I want someone to help me interpret my dreams is been add for me because have been having this dream repeatedly is confusing...I normally have a dream we're have been prayed for seriously,I will always see myself kneeling down and a man with white garment will lay his hands on my head with serious deliverance prayer,have add this dreams not one's always but my problem is that I don't see this man face,please can someone help me out with this dream
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think it is important to see the man's face. It is a symbolic dream about God's people praying for you.
Anonymous said…
Hi Marko ,thank you for helping us to interpret our dream ....
I dream about my sister as if children gave her gifts , some wood necklaces , Were were all the prophets pictures , Virgin Maria , thank you
Marko Joensuu said…
Would you be able to tell a little more about this dream?
Anonymous said…
I had a dream i saw a white men taking pictures with white children… I was seating close watching and then one of them knees down to pray….
Anonymous said…
I had a dream where I went to shit and someone it splashed on some ones newly painted house , I tried to clean up but some traces were left on the house though not clearly visible. As I left I met a tree it split in the middle and being carried by force of water upwards it almost hit me. I started to cry and say. I will ask for forgiveness if I don't then hit me with that tree but now forgive me. Some of my class mates were watching at a distance. I woke up with my palms open as though I had been praying and very scared. What does this dream mean. What am I to do. Am so scared
Anonymous said…
I had a dream about a bird was up on a tree limb and another bird flew up and talking and one of the bird bow to the other bird
Marko Joensuu said…
This dream seems to visualise some of your subconscious fears. I don't think that you need to worry about it. Only strenghten yourself with daily prayer and Bible reading.
Anonymous said…
I had a dream, in my dream people were giving the pastor kitchen utensils, then after that the pastor gave me the same utensils to me. What's the meaning
Anonymous said…
I had a dream of someone covered in blood someone I have never seen before trying to touch me i went to hide in my old house i dont live in anymore since 6 years ago he found me and started trying to use his blood to touch me or infect me with something then when I screamed the blood of Jesus I woke up please what does this mean?
Marko Joensuu said…
It means that there is something that the church members are expecting the pastor to do, but it is something that you are supposed to do. I am not sure what your role is in the church. But perhaps you should have a converstation with your pastor regarding to what you can do in the church.
Anonymous said…
I had the most beautiful dream i was walking up a stair way it was snowing and i looked so beautiful dressed in a white dress off the shoulder.as i walked up i looked dwn at the stair i was walking up an it was white marble stairs all the way up at the side of me was trees with snow flakes falling onto the leaves but there was the most beautiful red apples i reached for the apple and looked at it closely and it shined so bright i then continued walking further up gasped at so much beauty tht was in front of me i smiled i was happy for the first time in such along time.i saw a robin i followed it but everytime i got near it would go further up clouds formed with the most beautiful snow falling i tried to read the robin but everytime i reached out it lead me further up the stairs there was a cl9ck right at the top of the stairs with the most beautiful details but i could only see it from a distance i continued following the robin then as i got to a certain point the robin started to fly abt as if it was telling me to go back down the stairs but it was so beautiful i didnt want to wake up i wanted to stay in my dream i didnt want to turn around and go bck down the stairs.i have never had a dream that was so beautiful ever its the first time.i will never forget this dream it was so perfect.i really felt like i was home i felt relief i felt love and beauty there was no pain but the robin didnt want me to go any further i was so happy that it made me sad that i had to turn around i then thought i have to walk further to the clock i spoke to the robin and come with me lets go alittle further but the robin looked at me and it start flying around as if to say we must go bck down now.i said to the robin please let me go home i dont want to back yet.but the robin wouldnt allow me and every step i took up the robin would fly abt and pannick just as i took the last step i woke up.
Anonymous said…
Please I need help in understanding this dream. Each time I pray to God that He should settle me in marriage, I keep seeing revelation of others getting married and getting engaged He hardly show me my own.
Anonymous said…
Good day to you Marko and Happy New Year 2024...
I had a dream and I saw myself in a church gathering led by an Old man who couldn't do well to the extent that he forgot the Bible verse to use but was helped by a lady who read out a certain place that goes with his preaching, another old man took Microphone and didn't do well as well until a young preacher came, collected the Microphone, he laid his hand on the old man and took over the Pulpit.
Anonymous said…
Good morning, sir.
I saw myself sitting under a preacher in a church preaching and I will unconsciously see my right leg being put on the pulpit or pew but will take it off as soon as I realise it. I didn't know that I was the only person listening to his preaching in the church with two young boys sleeping until a man came in and stood up to realise it...
Anonymous said…
Hi marko I would like your help on a dream I had back in 2015 and if you think it was from the lord or something else,anyway in the dream there was me and two other people I did not know. We were each given a key and sent off into this hedge like maze alone and told when we got where we needed to go we would need this key to use.after going through this maze I came across a man in chains chained to the wall and they were metal chains. I immediately knew this was what I needed the key for and I used it in the locks for this man chained to the wall and he had his head to the floor looking down pit as soon as I used the key to open the locks he looked up at me with a huge smile and it was at that point I realised it was the lord and immediately I awoke crying and it felt as though I had this warmth on my face like something had been by my side wiping my tears but for the life of me I cannot remember what he looked like. Could you please give your take on what you think was going on thank you and all glory be to the Lord jesus christ and thank you in advance
Marko Joensuu said…
In this dream, the maze is your heart. Using the key allows Jesus to work in your life. He resides in us with His Holy Spirit.
Marko Joensuu said…
Are these people in your dream people that you know? And do they end up getting married?
Marko Joensuu said…
This is a dream about leadership transition.
Marko Joensuu said…
Maybe God is asking you to do something but you are resisting it.
Anonymous said…
Hello I had a dream about going to the toilet and pooping alot and in the poop there was whole maize pieces and when I woke up I heard a faint whisper telling me it's about my weight loss journey I have been trying to loose weight but I was always eating the way I want and God was warning me to control myself before it gets out of control help me on what you think
Anonymous said…
I wonder if this comment section is still available. Please let me know. 🫶🏾
Marko Joensuu said…
I do check the comments section regularly.
Brittani said…
Years and years ago in my 20s I thought I had some kind of prophetic dream. I Have always known that I was somewhat very spiritual. I have never read the Bible though or could ever understand it. This dream I had in my 20s was showing around Jesus time. it was at night in a town with all hut homes that had front porch lights on. I just saw that there was World War™ going on and it happened to be an army of Russia who swiped through the town and was breaking in homes and taking kids under a certain age if I could remember it was like under 12 and taking all these kids from their homes to sacrifice them, slaughter, raped them and kill them. And I remember in my dream everyone was speaking Latin like the biblical language, but for some reason, I understood everything what they were saying. Then I remember some homes were wiping the blood (lamb) on their doors to protect the Russians army from coming in and taking their children.
Now fast forward to me turning 35 this week on January 25. On January 6 a couple weeks ago was a two-year anniversary of the loss of my dog Wolfie (very traumatic loss I’ve been so broken about) and the night before this anniversary of his I had a bad dream that I lost my other dog honey. Then the night of January 6 my neighbor who is Mexican Latina invited me over for dinner, and she showed me this cake Rosca De Reyes in which the Latin catholic Christian celebrates a feast celebration and she explained to me that each person will cut their cake and if they find the baby Jesus in the cake they will be favored and blessed. I was very excited to try this tradition cake of hers, and was hoping that I would find the baby Jesus and be blessed because I’ve had such a rough life in the past few years and it have been so traumatic for me. Each of us cut the cake, and I happen to find the baby Jesus. I went home and I remembered seeing the box the cake was in and I remember seeing the three wisemen. I was curious to learn more about that so I googled it and learned more about this tradition and the celebration and meaning behind it. The meaning behind it is the three wisemen, gifted, baby Jesus, jewels and gifts, because they know that he was the king Jesus, at that time was the time where the king of Egypt was looking to kill him and was killing millions of innocent babies. The the cake is around shape cake that symbolizes God, eternal love, and the colorful edible candy like represents the jewelry gifts and then the little tiny plastic baby represents baby Jesus. The more I read about the meaning behind of Rosca De Reyes a flashback of my dream came back to me and the more I was reading it the more I felt like I had the dream before that was very close to this. About a week later I FaceTime my best friend. She is probably the closest thing to Jesus. She is my angel very Christian and I told her the entire story and then once I started telling her about my prophetic dream I was at the part where I said they were wiping the blood on the door. She quickly interrupted me and said oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh wait stop stop look at this look at this then she turned her camera around and she showed me at that exact moment the TV was playing cartoon (for her baby adam) the Christian story of the Passover, and showing the exact same time the blood of lamb being wiped on the door. we definitely both have witnessed a spiritual moment right there and she told me I always knew right that is definitely God speaking to you. This month is the first time in two years doors have been opening for me and I feel like I am being very highly favored. I lost my grandpa on January 20 and I am taking a really hard but at the same time I’m holding onto the faith of everything that I just experienced this month. I want to believe that why my life was falling apart. It is now falling together, and I pray that this is the year that God will favor me can I also pray that God keeps speaking to me, and that I can be closer to him and find the meaning of everything that I just went through and including my dream.
Marko Joensuu said…
I pray that this year God will keep on drawing you closer to Him.
Anonymous said…
I had a dream I died ori thinking did at least. it was just quiet and empty and I was alone and everything was grey and i was given a very clear date of February 21. Can you speak to this? I have prayed over it with hope of clarity since I read that is what I should do so I just did that. Can you speak to that?
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think you will die on that day. It sounds like a bad dream. Are you experiencing any negative emotions in your life right now?
Anonymous said…
I had a dream where my name and surname were written down but some of the vowels in my name where omitted, what could be the meaning? It was supposed to be MpolokengQhomoko but was written MplkengQhomoko
Anonymous said…
Hello Marco! I have had a dream where a male voice speaks and confirms very clearly and quietly something that I have been asking God. Is it possible that this dream is from God? I felt calm in the dream and after I woke up.
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think it means anything. I did reflect on it for a while, that's why it took me some time to respond.
Anonymous said…
Hi! I had a dream about a Christian guy whom I met online last month. In the dream we are working together in an office and the frame switched to us walking in a cobblestone road somewhere in Europe holding hands together laughing and talking but I feel as if we're still adjusting from each other. I will be arriving in the country where he is now in a month because I got a job as an analyst in that country's healthcare department.
Marko Joensuu said…
Dreams linked to these kinds of potential relationships are always tricky, as our hidden emotions can work to produce these kinds of dreams. The most sensible thing to do is not to try to make this dream happen. If you do meet up, it is best to proceed cautiously and prayerfully to discern two things: 1) How is he really like in the offline world? 2) To really submit this to God's will, and be ready to accept both negative and positive messages from God.
Anonymous said…
Good evening Marko, I was hoping that you could help me interpret this dream that I experienced last night. I rarely remember dreams in general however, on this occasion when I woke up I had this overwhelming feeling that I had experienced a revelation of sorts. The dream itself is very vague however what I remember is this. There was an apocalyptic event occurring in the world whereby something or someone had become so powerful that it had the capability to destroy everything, like a doomsday scenario. My dream was that I was being taught that the only way to overcome this scenario was to understand that humanity was one. That up until this point we thought of ourselves as individuals when in fact we are all one. The cure. The key. That in simply understanding this we could overcome this powerful thing that had the capability to destroy everything because together we are more powerful. It really felt like a eureka moment in my dream. Like being taught to tie your shoelaces as a child. It just made perfect sense and left me feeling reassured. When I woke up and tried to communicate this, I felt like I didn’t quite have the words to make it make sense. I was hoping that you could help me make sense of this please. Thank you.
Marko Joensuu said…
It does appear to me that you might be subconsciously processing some anxieties linked with current world events. It is hard to say much more about this. Often, what makes sense in the dream world, loses much of its energy when we wake up.
Anonymous said…
Hello Marlo, I had a dream that I was outside in the backyard and a snake bit my left arm. I didn’t see the snake but it left a print of a snake on my arm . That’s how I knew it was a snake . Also I felt the bite. Thank you
Marko Joensuu said…
Symbolically, the backyard and the snake you didn't see refers to hidden dangers in your life. Perhaps there is an area of your life that you have left unattended. It has a slightly different meaning depending on whether you are left-handed or right-handed.