11 ways to know if a dream is from God

Here are some principles that help you discern the origin of a dream.

1. Can you remember the dream?

If you can’t remember the dream when you wake up, it wasn’t from God. If God chooses to communicate to you through a dream He will ensure that you remember it.

You should write down any dream that you believe might originate from God straight away, as that will help you remember it later. 

When you do that, you should describe the main plot, characters and elements such as colours, objects and the atmosphere. Daniel 7:1 says,

"In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream, telling the main facts."

2. Is it clearly structured or confusing?

God brings order into chaos and clear focus into confusion. You might not understand a God-given dream fully but if a dream is confusing it is never from God. Paul told Timothy,

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 7:1)

Others translate the spirit of fear as ‘the spirit of confusion’. When God speaks He will always communicate with clarity—even when you don’t understand what He says!

3. Is the dream connected to something you are processing in your mind?

If the dream deals with something you worry or think about a lot it is probably a result of your subconscious attempting to resolve what your conscious mind can’t. Also, if you watch a movie late at night you might see a sequel to it at night—with you playing the hero! Unless the dream gives an unexpected solution to your problem you should disregard it.

4. What is the emotional atmosphere? 

Most dreams filled with anxiety or despair come from the subconscious that functions as an overpressure valve for our fears. If you suppress your fears and anxieties they will appear in your dreams. 

But God never adds fear to your life; He always reduces it. You might see a dream that shows you the cause of your fear but then provides a solution. This kind of dream is often from God. 

The emotional atmosphere is often the key to the interpretation.

5. Is the dream linked to something God has already revealed to you?

God often adds or brings depth to what He has already revealed through a dream. It is yet another channel for Him to reveal His purposes and perspective.  

6. Is there biblical symbolism? 

Distrust any dream dictionaries as symbols often have different meanings in different cultures. If God uses symbols He chooses them based on what they mean to you rather than someone else. On the other hand, biblical symbols often point to a dream coming from God.

7. Is it a ‘realistic’ dream?

If so, it might refer to a real-life future situation, unless it clearly refers to the past. You might not be sure whether the dream was from God until you face that situation, and then it will help you to act the right way.

8. Is there a demonic element in the dream?

Just because there is a demonic element it doesn’t automatically mean that it originated from the enemy, as it might be the gift of discerning spirits in you reacting to an unseen demonic influence.

You should always pray over these dreams, and the Holy Spirit will either give you more understanding about them, or ask you to reject them outright.

9. Are you doing something wrong in the dream?

If you see a dream where you are doing something wrong, it is never from God—unless it is something you are doing or in danger of doing in real life, and God is convicting or warning you. 

These dreams might be the product of your subconscious or originate from the enemy. 

10. Do you wake up into God’s presence?

Sometimes I wake up with a distinct sense that a dream was from God. At other times, I wake up into a strong presence of God, and that can be a sign that it is a God-given dream.  

At other times God is present as He is dealing with a demonic attack that took place through a dream. It is usually easy to tell the difference. 

11. What happens when you pray over the dream?

You should always pray over a dream you think might have come from God. When you do that the Holy Spirit will often reveal you more and begin to explain its elements.


All people see dreams but those with prophetic gift can often interpret other people’s dreams. In Genesis 41 Joseph is brought from the dungeon to see the Pharaoh as his chief butler knows that Joseph has the gift of dream interpretation. Both the butler and the Pharaoh worshipped the Egyptian gods. Perhaps the Pharaoh was used to seeing demonic dreams.  But this dream has come from God. That’s why none of the magicians of Egypt could interpret it. 

Joseph and Daniel must be the most famous dream interpreters of all time.  Both confessed that it was God who gave them their ability. 

Here are five principles that can help you interpret God-given dreams.

1. Ask God for the interpretation

Many often miss this first step. Remember that if God gave you the dream He can also give you the interpretation.

2. Consider the symbols

Are there any symbols in the dream that have personal significance to you? Be careful with dream dictionaries unless they focus on biblical symbols. In the ancient Babylon, a black cat was the bearer of good fortune but in the Middle Ages it was linked to witchcraft. 
There are no references to black cats in the Bible. What does a black cat mean to you?

3. What is the emotional atmosphere?

The emotional atmosphere of a dream is important and it often helps you interpret it. For example, the dream might show a challenging situation but the atmosphere is faith-filled. This usually means that God is showing that you will be able to overcome your challenges.

4. Does the dream feel realistic?

There are dreams that appear realistic and they can refer to past real events or future events. If they come from God they usually bring their own interpretation.

5. Is the dream meant to be understood immediately?

Dreams often refer to distant future. It took years before Joseph’s dream about the Sun, Moon and the eleven stars bowing down to him come to pass. When he saw the dream he had no real understanding of its meaning. 

If you don’t understand a dream, put it aside, but don’t disregard it. Later on, it can give you great confidence as when it comes to pass you will know that you are walking in the will of God. Joseph knew that it was God who had raised him to rule Egypt because He wanted to save Joseph’s family so he blessed his brothers rather than revenged their treachery.

6. Is the dream meant to be shared immediately?

I saw a dream concerning my local church in Finland over fifteen years ago. Yet, I shared that dream to the leaders only recently, as they had arrived in the season shown in the dream. 

Don’t assume automatically that a dream should be shared immediately. Instead, pray over it, and God will give you wisdom regarding sharing the dream at the right moment.

This list has been taken from the book Five Movements: Winning the Battle for Your Prophetic Gift written by Marko Joensuu. For more on the author, please visit markojoensuu.com

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Cristencia said…
Please there is a dream I had when I was a child that refuses to leave my mind for more than 20 years now. I saw myself sitting round on the floor with some elders in a cave and I was the only child amongst them. These elders were in my eyes the prophets of old with long grey beard, God was the topic being discussed and I was more like an observer just listening to their wisdom. While I was listening, I started to ponder what hearing from God would be like in my mind, so I decided right there in my mind that I would really love to hear from God. Immediately I decided this I saw myself still in that cave but alone, then a thunderous voice said, "I AM THE LORD THY GOD". I have never heard, seen or experienced anything so terrifying in my young life as that voice. The voice was so thunderous that the cave was shaking and I was so afraid and woke up in that state. When I woke up so scared, I felt as if the presence was with me there that I ran out of the room looking for my mother. I was scared of entering my room for days after that dream. Even till today I still marvel at the level of power that came with that voice. It's been so long since I had this dream but still it feels like yesterday ,please help me to understand it
Cristencia said…
Please also help me with this one, two days ago I had a dream where I was called by a group of familiar young people gathered round a table as I was passing by them, when I got to them I stood on something that made me stand higher than them so that they could all see me. One of them, a girl, gave me two pieces of paper in square shape. On one was written, "ALPHA AND OMEGA" and on the second paper was written "JOHN THE BAPTIST". They asked me which one I preferred and I said to them, Is it by season", they were all short of words by my question and were in deep thought. They asked me a couple more times and I repeated my question to them, at last I said to them, "because if it is by reason, on this one is written ALPHA AND OMEGA, which means the beginning and the end, the first and the last, the maker of heaven and earth ,of all of us; how can you compare with JOHN THE BAPTIST of whom He is Boss. I was a little irritated of them comparing the two ,also while I was answering them, all of them started taking notes very seriously. When I was leaving, I overheard the leader say to them that they have gotten two responses and asking whom they should ask next
Cristencia said…
The first response I gave them was "is it by SEASON?", while my sentence continuation at last was "because if it is by REASON". I didn't even understand what I mearnt by SEASON when I woke up, while in the dream it all seemed to make perfect sense
Unknown said…
I dreamed of preaching to my neighborhood with three friends at a time one of us started prophesying telling me that I will have only one child but I should pray for God to change the plans of the enemy in my life.pls what does it mean
Diana said…
Due to some misunderstandings my boyfriend stopped talking to me.as I waited patiently for the misunderstandings to be resolved, one night I had a dream, my boyfriend and I were sitting together and suddenly he went away. I looked for him everywhere but couldn't find him. He has turned into a little lamb and I saw some evil people were pursuing him . They intended to sacrifice the lamb in the temple. I frantically ran after the lamb which I knew was my boyfriend and tried to save him. I searched for the lamb in the temple godowns to save him but couldn't find him. Even the evil persons failed to find him . I kept searching for him and I woke up.
A few nights after that I had another dream. I was sitting in my room stitching a white robe for a little lamb. I lifted my eyes and saw deers grazing near me. They were peaceful and were scared away from me. Then I found the presence of God in my room. He was sitting on His throne in a white robe. I didn't see His face. I resumed my sewing of the white robe for the lamb. Then I heard God say to His servants "give this girl her lamb. Bring her the lamb "
Marko Joensuu said…
The explanation is simple: God is longing to speak to you and He wants to speak to you loud and clear. You were pondering what it would be like to hear Him, and in the dream He could read your thoughts, so He's already close to you. But His voice is powerful and demands obedience.
Marko Joensuu said…
This reminds me of Matthew 11:11-18: “Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. 12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. 13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. 14 And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who is to come. 15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
16 “But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their companions, 17 and saying:
‘We played the flute for you, And you did not dance; We mourned to you,
And you did not lament.’ 18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ But wisdom is justified by her children.”

The meaning of the dream is clear: in Jesus's time the Jews behaved like little children, and they played the teachings of John the Baptist against the teachings of Jesus, so that they didn't have to obey either of them. But just like you felt in the dream, John the Baptist was a forerunner to the Alpha and Omega - and their teaching was really the same. Our generation is not unlike the generation of Jesus, so immature Christians play different teachings against each other, so that they don't need to obey God at all. They will continue auditing opinions until they find one they like.

What I am not entirely certain about is why God has shown you this dream - perhaps there is a need in your life and ministry not to be swayed by the responses to it. If some people couldn't receive the ministry of Jesus, we shouldn't be surprised if they won't receive our ministry. But we must continue to teach the whole Bible, which also includes the forerunner.
Marko Joensuu said…
Also, John the Baptist was in the New Testament, but in fact, he was the last of the Old Testament prophets. So, he is pointing towards Jesus, who is the message, so although we teach the whole Bible, we must see the Old in the light of the New - which is Jesus. Not sure if you are needing to deal with legalistic people in your environment. But if you do, your response sets out the difference between the old and the new. There is a season for repentance, but it is followed by the season of Jesus.
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think that this is a dream from God. But it indicates that there are some negative spiritual influences around your life, which manifest in your dream world.

Here's a link to a message I thought on discerning spirits - my apologies, the audio quality isn't great - I recorded it when teaching in a Bible school.

Marko Joensuu said…
The first dream indicates what might have happened in the spiritual realm when you encountered the misunderstandings. The second dream indicates that you are preparing for a relationship, which will be God-ordained. So, when you get a boyfriend, this time it will be a gift from God, and your presence in his life will bring more sanctification to his life. What I am not certain is if this is the same guy or not. But what is certain is that God has someone in store for you. The first dream indicates that you couldn't find him. The second dream indicates that God will bring someone to you.
Cristencia said…
Thank you so much for this detailed response, God bless you. I'm also wondering why this was shown to me too, I think I'll ask what I'm supposed to do with this revelation in prayer. Thank you once more for taking the time ,happy new month.
Cristencia said…
I didn't want to acknowledge this dream because I felt it's not from God, but then I think it's safer to ask someone that'll understand the meaning rather than just throwing it away.
So in this dream I saw myself in my university hostel from years ago, and while going round the third floor on which I stayed I saw my immediate ELDER brother as a resident in that hostel, he was lying on the floor asleep in front of his room with about two other friends I know, beside them there was something cooking on fire which was already dried up and on the verge of burning, I stirred the food to prevent it burning and my brother moved his hand towards the pot as if he wanted to rise up and continue cooking but he couldn't just wake up. Then I went into the room to get something, in the room I noticed bunches of bananas and then I heard this sweet melody with a lady's voice coming from outside the room, I was so captivated by the song and the voice singing it. While the song was singing ,there in the room I saw the still form of a lady lying under a very clean water with a very beautiful bunch of bananas beside her .It was as if she was lying in a glass of water that I could see what's in the bottom. The song that was singing was telling a story of a couple that separated and when the lady found love, her ex convinced her that the man was too old for her, but when the ex found love it turned out to be someone too young and he stuck to her, so the lady wasn't happy about it. The only word I could hear clearly was ELIJAH indicating the ex's name, but when I woke up with the song still singing in my head, it turned out that the word I thought was ELIJAH in the dream was EL SHADAI. At the end of this dream, I remember seeing my YOUNGER brother whom also shared my room and hostel with me in those university days asking me in front of his friends who I left the room for because someone was trying to take it away from him.
Cristencia said…
Still last night like the first one, I saw a little gathering of people, then I noticed a little baby amongst them reaching for a young boy of about 12 years old. Because the boy wasn't aware of the toddler trying to stand in other to reach him, he shifted a little from his original spot. It happened that he shifted immediately the baby tried resting on him for support because the baby couldn't stand on his own, so the baby fell down and started crying. The man who owned the baby or guardian to the baby went straight to the young boy and gave him a beating that shocked me. The man with the young boy was confused because he didn't know or see what happened to the baby ,the young boy was apologising and saying that he didn't hurt the baby on purpose but everyone else in the gathering supported the beating. I was the only one who saw exactly what happened because I was a bit far from them and so I was irritated by the way the young boy was beaten, then I went closer to the gathering and spoke to the man carrying the baby, "I'm sorry about what happened to your baby",this he appreciated before I added "but that boy didn't do anything, your baby fell down on his own while trying to reach the young boy, he didn't even touch him. How can you do this to a child, as if he killed somebody?", the man became very angry and was raining words at me, before I left them I told him "may God help you and your baby" which he accepted in anger. Meanwhile, I was carrying a baby as well and he had a little dirt on him, I carried him to the shallow stream nearby and tried to wash him but he kept running from the water as babies do sometimes, so I threw him inside the water, I gently cupped water with my hands and washed off the dirt and sand from the stream. On my way back with the baby I saw that same man with the baby and he was discussing how he eliminated the young boy and everyone around him. When he saw me he came after me, not physically but some powers of sort aiming for the baby I was carrying. The bridge I was trying to cross started working against me and I was already close to the end of the bridge so I held on tight, when I couldn't hold on any longer I called for help to a girl named Blessing, when she came I told her to reach for the baby and grab him which she did.
Then suddenly I was holding unto my pastor's son whom is 11years old called Jeremiah, I called for help again and same girl came, she then grabbed the boy but she couldn't pull him into her side, at a point we seemed to be pulling her into us, I told her to call the pastor's wife to join her. Some how Jeremiah was saved and left me alone on the bridge, by this time l could see the gathering of water spirits in form of women that were working with the man beneath the bridge. The bridge is that kind that swings and it was very high above the water. As I was alone on the bridge I remembered that I could render their powers ineffective on me with prayer, then I started praying, I called upon God and the bridge settled, every part of it that was ruined became normal. I woke up still kneeling on that bridge
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think that this is a dream from God - it seems to be far too confusing for that. So, you shouldn't really worry about this dream.
Marko Joensuu said…
To me, this links with how the devil is attacking the faith of new believers and children, and how he works through false accusations. It also shows how Christians must come together in love and prayer to protect the next generations - both new believers and those who were "born into faith".
Marko Joensuu said…
It seems like a very complex situation, which you are sensing and processing subconsciously in your dreams.
Diana said…
Sir, I had a dream last night. I was considering buying a car. A pink one. Later I considered if the colour will get dirty . So I asked if they would change it to brown. They said that's it's possible. I finally found myself considering a white car. One that is sturdy and good for multi-purpose.
At the back of my mind , I was considering a blue car but as it didn't serve many purposes, I couldn't think of the blue car. I already had the cash ready for payment. But woke up before deciding on any of those cars.
Can you please help me with the interpretation?
Is there anything I should consider.
Was I wrong in saying no the pink car?
Cristencia said…
Please help me with this sir...
I saw myself in my father's compound which he shares with his siblings, it's a very big compound that has his (my father) two houses in it along with the houses of my two uncles. I was at the back yard when my father's immediate younger brother sent me to get him drinking water, I wasn't happy at all of being sent on this errand because about three of his children were there around him also, but he left them and sent me, this made me feel like I was being used and so I wasn't happy at all, but I left to get it anyway (note: physically I wouldn't have minded at all as that's something minor, but in the dream it got me really upset which kept me wondering when I woke up why something that little got me so worked up in the dream). It turned out that my dad heard when he sent me for water and wasn't happy about it too, so he came to me and told me to tell one of his children to get their father drinking water (note: physically if my dad had noticed that something like that got me upset he would have been very mad at me for allowing something so little get me worked up but the reverse was the case in this dream). So when I got to where drinking water was kept I poured some in a stainless cup and handed it over to one of my cousins to give to their father. In this dream there was a small room built for just drinking water but there is no such thing physically. After handing out the cup of water, I took brush and started cleaning the water house. While I was cleaning ,the oldest child (girl) of that my uncle came and sat down on the floor not minding the dirts. This got me irritated because she was obstructing my cleaning, but when I asked her if she was OK she said 'no', then I noticed that she was holding her tummy like she was in pain (note: physically she just gave birth few days ago). Then I asked her what the problem was and her immediate younger sister standing beside her answered "cancer", I repeated the question a couple more times and the same girl gave me same response, this got me angry because I thought she was joking and so I told her not to speak again that I was talking to her sister, but to my greatest surprise the older sister told me "it's true", this also made me irritated, I asked her why she'll say it's cancer just because others are saying it and she told me that they've already checked at the hospital and doctor confirmed it. My anger at her increased because of her response, then I told her "just because doctor said so doesn't mean you should accept it, you are supposed to know to reject it first, the greatest power God gave to you is your tongue, you can speak things into existence with it and you can also speak things into nonexistence with it, how is it that you don't know this... " I was still cautioning her when I woke up
Marko Joensuu said…
No - but it seems that you might be trying to make some decisions in your life but are not sure of the direction, and this is reflected in your dreams through the subconscious working of your mind.
Marko Joensuu said…
It seems to me that that your family has complex relationships and that you are processing some of the worries and anxieties linked to these complexities in this dream.
Hisinchrist said…
Good day. I am referring to a dream someone had about me. The lady from our church .
called me the following day and said that she dreamt we were standing in the ocean and there were small puddles and in the left hand side there was a huge crocodile. And I went to the crocodile and he ate me. The next day she called me again and said that she just want to add I was not standing but swimming in front of crocodile in shallow water and he ate me. She told me it has to do something with My business or relationship she is not sure but I should send all My business transactions to her to pray over before I sign anything. My initial response to this dream was fear and anger and infact it did not take me closer to GOD but after hearing the dream it took me further away from God. My question however if this was a warning dream from God why am i filled with fear and confusing
Marko Joensuu said…
I am sure that you, like all Christians, are facing many dangers. But I would not accept that dream for the simple reason that this lady seems to want to exert control over your life - as it seems that she wants to decide on your business transactions. So I would reject the dream and instead ask God to guide you on a daily basis along the lines of the Lord's Prayer: "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done..."
Diana said…
Greetings to you bro'in Jesus' gracious name
I had a dream of someone carrying me on a bicycle. I was happy and seemed care-free.
I came across a tea-garden . A white butterfly flew close by. Then I saw a purple butterfly landing on my right hand. Then as it flew away , it brushed against my cheeks.

In another dream , I saw a swarm of beautiful butterflies just encircling my pathway. Something told me that it were the most exotic butterflies. They were within my reach.
Cristencia said…
Good day sir, I had a dream where I kept 4 cans of soft drinks (malt) given to me by my immediate elder brother, but when I went back to check on them it turned out that 2 cans were empty. I felt so bad and started asking who emptied them, it was same brother who gave them to me (I didn't really see him giving it to me in the dream but that was the feeling I had in this dream, that he gave it to me), I demanded for it to be given back to me without caring who gave it to me in the first place, at the back of my mind I felt that the fact it was given to me mearnt it can't be taken away without my permission by anybody. I followed my brother around demanding for them, at a point I discovered where alot of that same drinks were buried (ie; covered from view with sand on the floor) somewhere in the compound so I left that brother and started digging the cans out of the ground, there were so many of them, it was difficult to pack them all at once with my hands so I kept stopping to pick up the ones that fell. It turned out that it was that same brother that stashed them away, when he saw I was in possession of them he started telling me to give them back, I told him it was payment for those two he took from mine, he kept following me around demanding but at a point he got tired and left me alone.
Please sir, help me to understand this, I get worried when it's my siblings in these antagonist roles
Cristencia said…
Good day sir, my sister in-law whom just got married to my brother last month (June) came to me and was complaining about this dream she was always having before she got married. She was always (almost every night) selling for her dad in his shop. What got her worried is that it repeated again twice (last night and the night before that), this time around she saw her self carrying her new born baby while selling for her dad in the same shop (twice).
Please help us so we'll know how to channel our prayers
Marko Joensuu said…
If there is a message in the dreams it is in the atmosphere of happiness. Perhaps God wants you to remember the carefree atmosphere of happiness and to carry it in your daily life.
Marko Joensuu said…
It seems that both you and your sister-in-law feel that the benefits of your work go to the other members of the family rather than to you. This might or might not be objectively true, but it seems to reflect the way of life in your environment and the family structure. I think that the most important thing is that you don't let it affect you spiritually. In the Bible, God blessed Jacob even when his uncle ripped him off, but he was blessed regardless, as no matter how much Laban tried to steal from him, God kept on giving him more. The best way to deal with this is to pray for the blessing and prosperity of those people you see in the dreams. As you keep on blessing them in prayer, some of the underlying issues will be dealt with. And if they don't God will bless you nevertheless because He will ensure that you will reap in due season.

Galatians 6:9 says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Diana said…
Dear sir, I had a dream where I was sweeping the floor with a broom. I saw an extremely old lady taking care of a happytoddler. She would carry her wherever she went. I felt sorry for her.she looked tired.
Suddenly I found myself enquiring a sister about coming to youth service I was leading. She replied she would be attending another Church (a high profile one) I just said okay. Then I found a branch of yellow flower that the boys used to decorate the church. It was kind of in the process of withering. I thought to myself I will plant it and it will revive.( In an earlier dream also I was given branches of yellow and pink flowers to plant at home.) Suddenly I looked up and saw a huge , really huge even taller than a house , white flowers blooming. And they were kind of for me. The church boy was like he would pluck them for me. I asked him not to harm those flowers.
I couldn't recognise the flowers. But they were of the kind of daffodils or lilies. At one point, I thought they would smell like Mexican Tuberose.
And I woke up.
Cristencia said…
Good day sir, I had a dream in which I saw myself checking out two beautiful shoes, one was black and the other was blue, I tested them by wearing them. When I was wearing the black one my mom saw me and confronted me, she suggested I look for shoes that are a little less elegant than the ones I was testing so as not to make my sister in-law feel bad that she isn't getting what I'm able to get. I didn't accept the suggestion at all, so I complained to my sister who happened to be around saying "how can I buy shoes I don't like just because I don't want someone else to feel bad?"
After everything, I chose the two I tested and kept them with care at home along with my jewelries.
Marko Joensuu said…
I am not sure if this is what we call a God-given dream, but it seems that you are definitely processing the frustration about what you sense are the limitations and pressures from your family in this dream. You might want to consider what personal dreams you feel you have sacrificed because of your family, and what you can do about it.
Cristencia said…
OK, thanks alot
Cristencia said…
Sir, there's also this dream that was always repeating. There was a time it seemed to be every night, but recently it's been happening once in a while.
I always loose my foot wear in the dream, sometimes it would be stolen, other times I will keep it and never see it where I kept it or anywhere else.
The second one is my bag (especially handbag), sometimes it's back pack, travel bag, even purse. One time my handbag got stolen and it had in it important documents, but the ones that got me really worried were my three ID cards (my international passport, national ID card and one more I don't remember), the person that stole it replaced it with a very old and worn out looking handbag that had wastes in it.
This was happening so much that every night I close my eyes it's either my footwear gets stolen or my bag does.
I never understood which area of my life this dream applied to but I knew it wasn't good
Marko Joensuu said…
These kinds of dreams are linked with a sense of being trapped in your situation and with an inability to bring about a transformation. They visualise something you might not be willing to verbalise. You must pray for God's wisdom to see your life situation from His perspective.
Marko Joensuu said…
These dreams are linked to your sense of what is happening in your church - the lack of care by the youth, the work the older generation puts in to look after the younger ones, and perhaps the life the younger people are nevertheless bringing. In the dream, the ministry of the church kills life unintentionally (by plucking the flowers from their intended environment). Some of the gifts in your life won't find fulfillment in the church environment, but they need to be planted at home for them to stay alive. The large white flowers represent the part of your life and gifts that God has given to you not really primarily meant to be used in church but mainly outside the church environment for His Kingdom purposes. If you bring them in to the church they will die, if you use them outside the church environment, it will bloom and prosper. But because they are all flowers (which will wither and die quickly), some of this is only seasonal, and might change, so this doesn't apply for the rest of your life. Perhaps you must develop some of your gifts outside the church before you can use them in the church again.
Cristencia said…
OK, thank you very much
Unknown said…
I had a dream where i witnessed the birth of a baby boy,like it was as if i was in the same room with the doctors and I woke up.About a month after,i dreamed i was heavily pregnant with two other ladies,it was time for us to give birth but i did not feel any labor pains and i got to witness their birth giving process while i still remained pregnant. What could this mean?
Suraj said…
Once a night i was thinking about my crush that i love her truely from last 3 year.i had proposed her on instagram but she doesn't replied.and at that night i was missing my crush so much and i prayed to god hanuman(hinduism god) for my true love and at that night about 2 am i was dream about my crush it was an auspicious dream she was a beautiful peahen in the dream and i was peacock.it was an romantic dream we both were romancing in the dream.i was feeling very very good in the dream it seemed very realistic.then i wake up that night and thanks to god hanuman for this sweet dream.what does it mean? Please reply me?
Diana said…
I had a dream. In that dream, I found the person I love (with whom I had a misunderstanding) coming to me and sitting on the porch beside me. He was quiet but I could sense him smile. I was writing something and was trying to complete a write up. Then a woman wearing yellow sari asking for alms. He reached out to his pocket and gave her some money. The woman thought we were together and blessed us as a couple. I thought he would clarify that we weren't but he didn't say anything. I too reached out to my purse and gave her joyfully more. She placed her hand upon my head and blessed me again.
I then completed the write up I was writing.and I could see myself sitting calmly.i had two braids of hair and a soft breeze was blowing my hair. I woke up.
Again I dreamt of a young sapling growing up in a tub in a nursery. I could see the green bud of growth of the young tree. It was a very precious plant (aloeswood) out of which perfume and incense are made. Near the sapling grew a more taller and stronger aloeswood plant.i could see it strong and sturdy. With green leaves. Growing straight.
I was told (I don't who) that it's time to take my sapling that was growing up outside in the sun from the nursery. It needs sunshine , manure and rain. Then its growth will be abundant.
Diana said…
Dear sir,
I had a dream. In that dream , my mother was catching lots of fish alive with her bare hands in our pond. I too stepped down into the pond and saw fishes. I saw a large fish in the water and was a bit apprehensive to catch it with my bare hands. The fish wiggled by. Then I looked around and saw many fishes and reached out to catch them with my bare hands. The fishes were alive and fluttering as I dropped them in the basket kept near the pond. The basket was almost full of fishes.
Same night, I had another dream.
I saw myself walking briskly. I was wearing light baby pink coloured beautiful new shoes(the shoes were beautifull shoes with a little elevation heels). As I was walking through the road I could sense my walk. I was going to attend a school where I was to supervise an exam. So I had to reach on time and so was walking brisk. Suddenly , a known colleague offered to drop me on his motorcycle to my destination.
I reached the school on time.
Diana said…
Dear sir, I dreamed about a tubewell in a compound. Everybody used to draw water from the tubewell. I saw a young boy getting ready to take bath. He came to fetch water from the tubewell.
All of a sudden , i found myself in high mountains in search of the source of water. I knew glaciers are the source of rivers. If i could find the source glacier there will be abundance of water.i finally found it , there were regions covered with snow glaciers. I was glad. I could see the ice thawing and a deep , clean, calm river flowed by. On the other side of the river, I could see a church. People were singing hymns and I could hear them sing. Then I don't know how but I found myself inside the church building which was on the other side of the river. It was a well built old stone church building. And I woke up.
Marko Joensuu said…
I think it shows that you are dreaming about her! - it is not uncommon for our subconscious desires to be manifested in our dreams illustrated with symbolic language.
Marko Joensuu said…
The source of water is Jesus who has given us the Holy Spirit.

John 7:37-39 says,37 On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. 38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” 39 But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those [g]believing in Him would receive.

Through the dream God is showing how He wants to have a deeper relationship with you and to give you water from the source rather than a well. Church can give you water from the well, but unless you have the overflow of the Holy Spirit in your life, you are never truly satisfied.
Marko Joensuu said…
Matthew 4:19 says, Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

That's the essence of the first dream - the second dream is about the shoes for evangelism (Ephesians 6:10-18) that fit you (not someone else's shoes but the ones you like to wear) and about the help you will get from others to do what God has called you to do.
Marko Joensuu said…
Not sure about the first dream. But the second dream is about you taking your life from a safe environment (church perhaps) into the world where God wants you to serve Him. The safe environment might looks safe as it is carefully controlled but it also hinders your spiritual growth. There is a time for nursery where the early growth can be secured, but for the tree to grow properly it will need to be exposed to the elements of the world - some of them hostile but many others beneficial.
Cristencia said…
Good day sir,
I had a dream where I was packed and leaving for the airport to go overseas , but I wasn't alone (physically I'm thinking of leaving my country, alone though). In this dream I was with my sister and her entire family, even two relations that stays with her, it turned out that we were all traveling under a family package or something (like lottery but not sure which), and it's under her family name, the destination is Texas according to the dream. We all got to the airport, got our documents checked and was about to board the plane when I woke up.
I don't understand this though because physically I'm planning to relocate to another country, then have her and her kids visit me when I'm all settled
Cristencia said…
There is also this dream I had,
I saw my mother telling me what to do with some money which she was also handing over to me (about 2 or 3 thousand dollars). She told me to change it into our currency, take some for myself and then distribute the rest to those she mentioned, but as she was about to go she changed her mind suddenly and decided to give the money to one of those she told me to give, this she did ,instructing the person like she instructed me and I wasn't happy about this. Later a little school boy called me to give me some money, it turned out that the boy was whom my mom handed the money over to and the money he gave me was what he was instructed to give me. I felt weird because this was a school child I was supposed to give his school fees from that money now the one giving me money. I kept wondering why my mom handed the money over to that kid until I woke up
Cristencia said…
Last night I saw myself baking cakes for the family, but I didn't have butter available in the house, I used vegetable oil instead, then during the baking I forgot to use sweetener and baking soda. The cake came out looking good but it wasn't sweet, and this made me feel embarrassed to serve it.
Marko Joensuu said…
All these three dreams seem to be linked to things you are worrying about subconsciously. You should give all these areas to God in prayer.

Philippians 4:6-7 says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

So, when you see these kind of dreams, it is always good to say a prayer and pray along the lines of the Lord's Prayer: "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done."
Unknown said…
Hi i had already been here in your page and i have been having dreams which you have helped me understand.... but you see two months ago I had a dream. In my dream i was awoken by 3 demons who grabbed me by the arm and told me to keep quiet about the dreams i have that are God given. I remember telling them that I was not afraid and that God is with me but they laughed and said that he would never want me so i cried out loud and said i am covered with the blood of Christ. I also proceeded to ask why had they come for me and they said because of my dreams that they don't want me to tell others the truth about what sends me through my dreams and vision. But then i started to pray and angels came down and said that God is with me and that I just had to pray. So i knelt down and prayed for this to be over.but when I opened my eyes i was kneeling down on my bed so i believe it could be a spiritual battle but either way I need help...... right after this I told God to show me what his purpose is for my life and what should I do about the dreams I receive and what if i have to share it with someone and i saw a bible and the scripture was Exodus 4:12
Unknown said…
I had two dreams.
The first one i was sleeping but in my dream I woke up and I looked around and I saw my room so i was having a hard time figuring out if It was a dream until all of a sudden 3 demons grabbed me by the arm and told me that I should stop sharing my dreams because they knew that what I dream of was God given and that i should stop unless they would make my family suffer but i told them why they were only after me and they said because we know that you are special and God wants you to serve him. Oh and i had already told you that im 14 in another comment about God giving me a spiritual gift anyway moving on to the dream i told them to stay away from me but then there was a bright light in my room and there were angles and they said that they would fight for me but my task or order was that I had to pray and that God was with me once I finished praying I opened my eyes and I was kneeling down on my bed but I was still in my room as if nothing happened but i felt God's presence with me

The second dream
I told God to show me what he wanted me to do about the dreams I receive from him and what if I need to tell someone about them something he wants me to share and then I saw the bible and the scripture was Exodus 4:12

Can you please help me understand what this means
Marko Joensuu said…
It does mean that there's already a spiritual battle around you with demonic powers working to discourage you. There are angels around you protecting you. But they have a specific assignment like you have a specific assignment and the can't do your assignment. The first dream reveals the spiritual reality around you. The second dream confirms your calling and assures that God will be there teaching you every step of the way. Do you mind me asking in which part of the world you live?
Diana said…
I had a dream of being present in a big congregation. I was seated at the first row. I was wearing a white traditional attire. The pastor prayed over me as "Mrs. Diana" Diana being my name. I was pleasantly surprised. After sometime I saw my cousin wearing new white sneakers waiting for a bus to arrive. I asked her to stay at our home but she refused. Then i noticed I too had my shoes on and Ra towards my home.
I was sitting near the pond of our home. I saw the Indian jujube tree laden with fruits that grew near the pond. I stood up and shook the tree by its trunk and the fruits fell. I woke up.
Diana said…
Sir , I dreamt of a young man. I know him, a good friend of mine. He came home dressed in white , in his uniform. Like a gentleman he confirmed his love for me to his mother. I was pleasantly surprised. He then spoke to my mother and sister too and affirmed his commitment to me.
Is he the white lamb God once showed me in my dream for whom I was stitching a white robe.
Marko Joensuu said…
It is impossible to say that based on the dreams alone. I had many prophetic dreams regarding my wife before I met her but ultimately you must seek God's direction in prayer. I believe that the many dreams you are seeing are calling you to have an intimate fellowship with God so that you will be able to hear His voice when you're praying.
Marko Joensuu said…
It does seem that God might be talking to you about marriage. The fruit of the tree talks about the fruit of the Spirit God has generated in you at home. It might be unseen by most but it has become ripe in your life.
Anonymous said…
I had a dream me and my sister were on vacation and then a storm hit people were leaving so we decided to evacuate my son went back to get something but never came back a lady appeared and said somebody has to go in your family I cried and was woke up it scared me I rebuked the dream.my son does need to return to christ please pray for him his name is antione
Marko Joensuu said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marko Joensuu said…
He will be in my prayers.
Unknown said…
Hi Marko.
I hope you still check this and reply.
When l was younger, around 13 or 14, I used to pray so much. My faith in God was so strong. I would wake up at least once at night without an alarm just to pray. Then l started to dream of real events. Nothing alarming. I would dream of something that will happen tomorrow and it will happen exactly the way l dreamt. Sometimes l would have forgotten about the dream, but as soon as something happens, it triggers my memory and l remember everything and can tell exactly what’s going to happen next as l saw it in my dream and it would happen as l said. I mean even conversations, word for word, to even facial expressions. The dreams were so precise and l would remember every single detail just before it starts happening. I confessed this in my church which is a spiritual church. We used to fast and do night all night vigils. My pastor, on one these fasting and praying night vigils prayed for me, took a piece of newspaper and lit it and burnt it while praying for me. He did not explain to me why he did that. I was young and trusted that it was for the best. Ever since then, l never dreamt of real events like l used to. I never even thought or wished l could dream again. Until recently, 15 years later, l have begun to wonder why l stopped dreaming and why he did that. I no longer attend that church as l moved out of the country about 14 years ago. I wonder if you can shed some light of the meaning of dreams and maybe why my pastor stopped me dreaming. Thank you.
Cristencia said…
Good day sir,
I saw myself in my father's compound and I was with my thirteen years old cousin, she was carrying my money. When I needed to use some money I asked her to give me but it turned out that the money was burning from the inside without anyone knowing (you know how fire gradually starts when cigarette butt is dropped carelessly), I don't know how she got fire into the money and it was gradually burning from the inside, when I noticed it I was so angry and at that time it was still salvageable but because she wasn't even sorry; intending to fight back as I was complaining, I neglected to separate the ones that weren't yet burnt from the fire, by the time I was done expressing my anger everything was already burnt and some of the money was church money.
Please help me understand this sir
Marko Joensuu said…
It seems clear that God has given you the gift of prophecy. There are only two reasons why this pastor might have done this: 1) the dreams were troubling you and he considered the burden to be too heavy for you to carry because you were too young for the gift - this is a pastoral concern but probably not the right thing to do. 2) You started to see things he didn't want you to see.

Whatever the reason, if you desire the rekindle your prophetic gift, you can ask God, and He will give it back to you.
Marko Joensuu said…
It seems that this dream reflects your perceived family dynamics. The best way to deal with this is to pray that God will bless your cousin.
EdgeIsMe said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
EdgeIsMe said…
My dad past away unexpectedly in 5/2018. He was my best friend.
Now,7/2019 my cousin, the son my dad never had was diagnosed with stage 3 small cell lung cancer. It's aggressive and spreading quickly.
After 4 weeks it was in his bones. The doctors told the family to make preparations, he wouldn't make it.
They lost him twice and brought him back both times.
One night during this whole ordeal, I had a dream.
My dad told me "Marisa don't worry about Ronnie, he's going to be fine. He'll be stable."
It's now 9/2019
My cousin is sitting at home with his family. Granted he does chemo 3 times a week. I believe that God was sending me a message for my family.
Through prayer and an enormous amount of faith, he's still with us. I believe God wants him to fulfill his purpose, whatever it may be.
When he made the comment "he would be stable" I believe that meant financial. He's self employed. They are stable. They aren't struggling.
What do you think?
Marko Joensuu said…
It certainly is an encouraging dream. You should continue to pray for his healing and finances -it will be through Him answering to your prayers that you will discover the full meaning of the promise.
Unknown said…
I read your article and it’s really very interesting and insightful. Plz help me relate this; there’s this particular girl we’ve been dating for almost 4 years now, with the first 6 months of our dating, on two occasions, I had seen something like a spirit in white arose from her and start oppressing me while we sleep together on the same bed and within that period I fell seriously ill and within a period of time, she travelled out to another country but while our relationship is still on, she’s come to visit me ones and we were good together but the fear keeps me from taking any progressive action and sometimes, after we communicate at night and had some (four-play) via video calls, I’ll also notice that I was being oppressed while sleeping after the video call but that ungodly act I’ve stopped now. But with all sincerity, she loves me well but I’m scared to proceed further and pray God guard me rightly. Plz I need your advice on this sir. Thanks.
Unknown said…
I read your article and it’s really very interesting and insightful. Plz help me relate this; there’s this particular girl we’ve been dating for almost 4 years now, with the first 6 months of our dating, on two occasions, I had seen something like a spirit in white arose from her and start oppressing me while we sleep together on the same bed and within that period I fell seriously ill and within a period of time, she travelled out to another country but while our relationship is still on, she’s come to visit me ones and we were good together but the fear keeps me from taking any progressive action and sometimes, after we communicate at night and had some (four-play) via video calls, I’ll also notice that I was being oppressed while sleeping after the video call but that ungodly act I’ve stopped now. But with all sincerity, she loves me well but I’m scared to proceed further and pray God guard me rightly. Plz I need your advice on this sir. Thanks.
Marko Joensuu said…
It could be that the spirit you saw is linked to what you have done together. Not necessarily to her. The question you need to ask right now is what direction is your relationship taking you together: Is it bringing both of you closer to God? Or not?
Unknown said…
Thanks sir. God bless you abundantly for responding.
Anushi kalhari said…
i saw jesus with me few days ago and i was seeking him but i found him near me and he was praying and he took me in to a church but he didnt speak with me. Can i know the meaning of that dream. I always seeing visions related to my life and i saw 4 deaths 2 accidents of my familiars and family members before some days it happened. can you explain about this visions and am i connected with jesus?
Anushi kalhari said…
Can i know your contact number or email address because i want to know about my visions. And im a new christian and i have no anyone to ask about this.
Anushi kalhari said…
Hi, few days ago i saw jesus im my dream and i was searching for him and after that i found him near by me he was praying and he took me to a very old church their was people but they can not see us then i woke up and i felt strong presence of god and i felt that he will come to see me very soon. Can you explain this dream?
Anushi kalhari said…
Hi, few days ago i saw jesus im my dream and i was searching for him and after that i found him near by me he was praying and he took me to a very old church their was people but they can not see us then i woke up and i felt strong presence of god and i felt that he will come to see me very soon. Can you explain this dream?
Marko Joensuu said…
You can email marko@markojoensuu.com
Marko Joensuu said…
It seems Jesus wants you to connect with other Christians. The church was old in the dream as His people have gathered to worship Him for nearly two thousand years.
Anushi kalhari said…
Thank you sir i will send you an email soon. Again thanks for your help.
Unknown said…
Hi in my dream the was mountains and water shaking me over so i was standing on the rock inside the water then the water pushed the bible directly to me..
Unknown said…
Hello there.Praise Jesus. I'm always having a dream where I'm flying in the air while others are watching in amazement. What does the dream means please?
Marko Joensuu said…
The dream seems to imply that God has called you to do some extraordinary things.
Marko Joensuu said…
Jesus is the Rock. The water represents the Holy Spirit. It is the desire of the Holy Spirit that you spend time studying the Bible.
Gigi said…
I had a dream, holding hands with my husband, and a little girl said looking at my eyes, "You married your destiny" and after 1 year me and my husband went through so many things, and we are not together, after i had so many dreams that actually came to realization in real life, but me and my husband still not together.. and idk what to think anymore, idk if the dream is from God or idk what to think anymore.. help pls 🙏
Gigi said…
I had a dream, holding hands with my husband, and a little girl said looking at my eyes, "You married your destiny" and after 1 year me and my husband went through so many things, and we are not together, after i had so many dreams that actually came to realization in real life, but me and my husband still not together.. and idk what to think anymore, idk if the dream is from God or idk what to think anymore.. help pls 🙏
Unknown said…
My dreams started with me and my ex at the time went to the Holy Land to take part in the Holy Mecca and walking up the mountain and praying to God and coming back down on the third day as we was walking I seen a Crystal pendulum In The Sky and it was bright and shiny with multiple colors my X told me to look up in the sky and we saw Jesus in a colorful coat ascending from heaven holding a baby and I told him that that wasn't Jesus the pendulum was making a reflection of Jesus in the sky the further we walked up the mountain the closer Jesus got and I realize that it was Jesus and not a reflection once he got close to us he never touch the ground what is coats was shiny and colorful and beautiful my ex touched his shoulder and his hand made it in print when I touched his shoulder my hand made an imprint but when we removed our hands the imprint was gone he never said anything and he never took his Focus off of the baby he was holding
Unknown said…
I felt so blessed that God visited me in my dream I really would like to know if and what it means
Marko Joensuu said…
According to the Bible, Jesus was resurrected on the third day. I know that Muslims have a different view on this, but that is what Christians believe. So, in Christian thinking, that would be significant. When Jesus was resurrected, people were able to touch Him, and He had the wounds from His crucifixion, but that wasn't His permanent state, as He ascended to Heaven. So, when you touched Him, He was in the state between His resurrection and ascension to Heaven. That's why your touch didn't leave a permanent mark. The colourful coat means that He brings life and joy into our lives. Jesus holding a baby means that He has been watching you since your birth.
Reddaliah said…
Thank you so so much for this. I have had dreams about my future marriage, husband and being a mother and cos they were so specific and yet the natural is contrary to them i have been full of doubt whether or not they came from God. Reading this every thing you mentioned was present in each and every dream. Thank you God bless and increase you.
Marko Joensuu said…
May God bless you and direct your path!
Unknown said…
Hello, I appreciated reading your article. I have always had intense dreams my entire life and in the past year I have been interpreting them from a biblical stand point since being saved (Dream occurred very close after being saved) This dream has been plaguing me despite prayers for interpretation. It begins with me
Walking down a hill and looking at the red Country store my
Sister recently became owner of where I sell baked goods in real life. I realize as I enter the store that I am only wearing a t shirt and it is pure white. Once inside I start getting anxiety and feel so uncomfortable that I didn't notice sooner how little I am wearing. A former friend is talking to me, gossiping and I turn my attention away from her out the window and all I see in my vision is the sliding of black snake skin (bigger than any snake existing in real life, big enough to crush the whole store) as it coils around the store. No one else notices it and I am panicking at the sight of the snakes coils moving slowly against itself and I immediately leave the building and get ina car and drive away. It has caused me physical and mental distress every time it makes its way into my thoughts which is frequently. Any interpretation you havenwould be so appreciated thank
Marko Joensuu said…
This kind of dream usually occurs when you have a dormant gift of discerning spirits, and the spiritual environment is visualised in your dreams. Here is a link to an audio teaching I have given on the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVT6jasjbb4

Please listen to it, and I am happy to respond to any questions after that. You can email me at marko@markojoensuu.com.
Diana said…
Greetings Brother, i had a dream that one sister came with rings for me..I slid one of them into.it appeared sturdy,golden , having tiny diamonds encrusted into them..another ring was made of purple paper and looked like purple rose.i slid it into my middle finger and admired it. Then i woke up.
Marko Joensuu said…
Which finger did you slide the diamond ringer in the dream?
Diana said…
I had a dream last night. One guy who i dont know in real life but in the dream seemed to be my friend and acquaintance got down on his knees and proposed to me. He had a gold ring with a diamond encrusted. I had another ordinary ring in my finger which was removed and he slid in the engagement ring. Later i realised I don't have romantic feelings for him and tried to persuade him from marrying me. But he wouldn't listen and said things will work out. I tried to convince him that this will not work out and assured him that he will surely find someone special. Besides I will remain his friend. But he remained adamant. I woke up while trying to convince him to change his mind.
On a row , this is another ring dream.earlier also i shared with you.
Misaki said…
I had a dream.. In my dream I saw a bright light speaking to me the message was so clear and loud.. The light said "I found the one for him" when I woke up around 3 am I don't feel anything bad or anxiety but there's a person who came up into my mind immediately.. Can someone help me to understand this?
Marko Joensuu said…
It sorts of depends on who you saw. It is hard to say whether this is a dream from God, unless it is linked to a series of dreams.
Marko Joensuu said…
These dreams certainly speak about a desire to get married. If you don't know the person, it is hard to say anything more about this dream, although you might have some people in your life that are interested in you, and you might be projecting the situation onto an unknown person in your dream.
Unknown said…
Please help out with this dreams. I saw a woman in church and asked: 'Where are you going now'. She replied:'I'm going home'. Then I asked:'Will you come back'. She said she will surely come back. Then I asked her to tell me the exact time she'll be coming so I can make some preparations. She said nothing. Then I woke up.
Unknown said…
I had another dream where I was praying in the church. There were many other people too in church in that dream. Suddenly a woman came out to the front in a conspicuous way. Her face changed into a devilish face. When I saw it, I started praying, but many other people in the church joined her and their faces were also looking devilish. It was so scary. They were coming towards me. I increased my prayers and they started retreating. There were three or four other people who didn't join them. They were praying, but I wondered why they didn't see what I saw. They horde of devilish people retreated into a hole but soon came out in form of a horse with three heads and six legs jumping up high and coming down continuously. Then I started praying rosary in the dream and woke up and continue praying in real life till I finish it.
Anonymous said…
Hi, I dreamt of being charged to court after scolding a child for misdeeds. I was given a stiff judgment at first and after another judge took over the case I was finally given a 90% reduction in the fine I was supposed to pay. I am confused about this dream. I was not involved in child battery or abuse at any time. Could please interpret this dream? Thanks
Felix Okai said…
Good day pastor. I have a call of God on me and I am cock sure if it, there is no doubt based on visions I have had since 2003 and am still having. Several pastors have confirmed that. But my challenge is to know when, where and how to begin. Recently, I had a dream where I saw myself praying and interceding for a town in another state as their spiritual leader. I have never been to the state before but in my dream I was there praying for their welfare and interest. Does that mean God has a plan for me there? Thanks sir.
Unknown said…
I had a dream that my mentor were discussing but i cant remember what we were really saying before i knew it he kissed me. Please i need an interpretation on this i don't understand.
Unknown said…
For the past years, I've been dreaming dreams, realistic dreams. My mind can react to my dreams, and command what to tell or say.
Last Dec. my mom passed away, prior to that event. I already dreamt of a funeral, and at the back of my mind someone telling my mom's name. Then, after 3 months I dreamt of her again. I'm talking to her on the phone with happiness and positive vibes. Everytime I had a dream, when I woke up, I always feel the emotion of my dreams. If it is happy dream I wake up happy, if sad or fear I wake up of not feeling okay.

They are a lot of dreams that sometimes I need more interpretation. But after I dreamt of this, I prayed to God first that whatever it is guide me and protect me and my family.
Unknown said…
I had a dream that me, my new boyfriend (who is DEFINATELY God sent) my uncle and his wife, were going out to eat food and have some drinks at a Mexican restaurant. We were all there having fun then as we were leaving, I looked up at the sky and there were these beautiful lights just traveling super fast through the clouds, like if the lights were playing tag. What I was seeing was indescribable, it was amazing and I had this awesome happy, peaceful feeling. I told my family I was with to look because I was just in awe at what I was seeing but they were saying you don't see nothing in the sky as they were saying it, their voices were fading away and I just became one with this light. Then all of a sudden the light started coming towards me, the lights formed into one and it got so huge and bright, and as it approached me, arms reached out of the light, the arms and hands were just glowing with light sticking out of this amazing light that filled my world where I stood. I reached out my hands and that light put this beautiful light in my hands and said in a very deep, strong voice that I have never heard in my life. It said "This is a gift from God" And just like that I woke up. I jumped out of bed and wrote my dream down just in case I forgot it but it's still in my memory, clear as day. I've been awake for 1vhour now and that voice is imprinted in my mind. I can't forget it. What do you think this means? Please help me understand.
Unknown said…
This really brought some understanding and enlightenment to my dream.
Unknown said…
I was in my house when my wife's grandma who is now like their mother came to Lagos and arrived my house to carry my wife and my two kids to the village.

She did not state any reason for wanting to take them to the village and finally they left without me trying to hold them back.

I missed my family greatly in the dream after they left.

However, the impression I had in the dream as per the reason why she(grandma) came to take them(my wife & kids) to the village was that she(grandma) wanted to show or hand over to my wife some of their father's land and or other tangible properties before she(grandma) passes which up until now was in her(grandma) care.
In the dream, my kids were still around 9-10 months old.

NOTE: my wife's parents are late and they are only the two of them left, both of which are girls no boy.
My wife is the senior among the two girls with the junior sister currently in the village under this their grandma's care.
Randall D said…
CONTINUED.... I am led to part of the room which has a clear barrier that seems like glass but it isn't. I can see through it but it holds back what is on the other side. I am shown this and what I see is faces of demons, all horrible and full of evil. There are thousands of them, like all the evil of heaven and earth combined, with faces pressed against this invisible glass with large long fanged teeth gnashing, angry, and they want to break through and attack. But they are held back by this invisible force. They are so horrible and I am so terrified that my knees buckle and I fall to the ground with my fear. Then the bold voice again talks and says, "Go south.", and waves towards this wall of evil. I am crying and begging no, no, please no, I am so frightened. The arm again waves towards the wall and says, "Go south.". Again I cry and beg, but the same thing happens again a third time. Then I find myself in the Desert walking alongside a road. It is a very hot barren landscape, like most wasteland, dirt, dry, and a few weed bushes and small twisted trees here and there. Walking along, seems like in a south direction, I am last in line of seven people total, walking alongside the road in single file. We are all dressed in dark brown robes with hoods over our heads and cloth ropes around our waist. We look like monks. We travel for a long distance, hearing nothing and seeing nothing but Desert and no people, as we continue on our silent single file journey. In a blink of an eye a roadblock appears. It is two modern day Police Cars on either side of the road. Also on either side of the road are two Police Officers each standing next to their Police Cars. They are Police Officers by looks but for some unsaid reason I can tell they are Guardians or some sort of Gate Keepers. This is the border of that evil land that I saw in that room with the invisible wall full of demons. The officers are evil, even though they wear the uniforms, and they guard entrance to the land of evil. They don't speak, but somehow they tell us to stop, move into the road, and block our entry. We don't speak but somehow try to enter. Once again we are blocked and denied entrance. I then step forward and come up to the officers, standing in between and just forward of them. At that time they step back, part away, half way back to their patrol cars, and even though they don't want us to enter and hate that we enter, they show fear, humble and we walk past them and into the land of evil. I am scared, but confident with a power. A good power, like myself and the others are on a journey of good, with power over evil even in the midst of the land of evil. The dream ends with all of us still walking single file through the gate. In the first part of the dream I can only understand that I am to stop listening to what I am being told for a lot of it is lies. To know the truth, I don't listen, but instead SEE the work for then I will know the truth. But the parts of the dream being told Go South and the trek into the Desert in the land of evil I do not understand at all. And I am not totally sure who is giving me this command. To this day off and on I have tried to understand this dream. I have had a few dreams since then that have had meaning but this one is special, I don't know why, but this one tells me I need to especially pay attention to it. Is it a warning, a command to follow, or a view of the future. Getting ready to retire and getting older I would like to solve this. I don't want to die with unfinished business. Can you help me with this?
Unknown said…
Hello Marko today i had a very disturbing dream where i was in a family function that seemed like a funeral and then all of a sudden there were couples who are in a prophetic ministry were also there and then my mom fueled up a community to attack them but the husband just vanished and ws left with the wife whom ive tried to protect her from this angry community.I ran with her but at last she also vanished and left me with a wedding gown.mind you ive slept praying about a job that i need to apply for but there were sum hindrances can you plz explain this to me
Anon said…
Hello, I just came across your writings and found this very interesting. Thank you.
I have been divorced for 14yrs now, and feeling lonely for a 'love relationship' a large percentage of the time. Most nights I fall asleep on the sofa in front of the TV before waking up in the middle of the night and going to bed. Last night I again fell asleep in front of the TV, but this time I dreamt I was lovingly in the arms of a man at my side on the sofa, and he was softly whispering to me and gently waking me up to go to bed and sleep. When I woke up the dream felt so real, and so warming! It made me feel hopeful that I may find love again in the near future. Was this a prophetic dream, or my emotions and longings transmitting itself into my dreams?
Marko Joensuu said…
It is probably your emotions transmitting themselves into your dreams, but based on the dream, I can't be certain. That doesn't mean that you couldn't find love in near future. What I would advise is that if you meet anyone interesting who's also interested in you is not to rely on the dream but bring the issue to God in prayer.
Marko Joensuu said…
Sorry about the long time it has taken to respond. It seems that the comment notifications were disabled for some reason. I wouldn't pay too much attention to the specifics of this dream. But usually these kind of dreams indicate that there are hidden demonic influences in your environment.
Marko Joensuu said…
Sorry it has taken so long to respond to this - for some reason the email notifications for comments were off. I wouldn't put too much weight on this dream. It is likely that it is a result of you processing some worries in your subconscious.
Marko Joensuu said…
Sorry it has taken so long to respond to this - for some reason the email notifications for comments were off. I wouldn't put too much weight on this dream. It is likely that it is a result of you processing some worries in your subconscious.
Marko Joensuu said…
Sorry it has taken me this long to respond to you. The email notifications for comments were off. For some reason, I can't see the first part of the dream in the comments.
Marko Joensuu said…
Sorry it has taken me this long to respond to this - the comment notifications were off. The first step to test this dream would be to begin to pray for that particular town. You don't need to move there to pray for that town. If you begin to pray for that town daily, then a spiritual vision for that town might begin to develop.
Misaki said…
Sorry for late reply I just saw this response by now. So the thing about that dream is that I had a friend whom I met 5 years ago we talked but not to the point of truly get to know each other. 5 years later he messaged me again and after few days of talking to him I prayed to God and asked him God why this person came back talking to me after years of no talking and then I got that dream. After few months of getting to know more about this man. We had some argument to the point of we are not talking for few days. In the middle of the night I was awaken. A voice calling my name asking me to pray for this man and I asked the voice that I heard why should I pray for him. I am so confused but then the spirit told me to pray for his peace. So I did what the voice told me I pray even I'm so confused why. Few months after that I found out he truly needs prayer for his peace. Now I am wondering could this messages I've got through my dream, and the voice that I heard regarding to this person has something to do with me? I'm sorry I'm still confused because the voice in my dream said "he found the one for him" and then few months after that I was awaken by the voice to pray for his peace.
Unknown said…
I was praying to God that he show's me my spouse/ my future husband and I had a dream there was a written words on the stone it was stated that" the one" then followed the name of the person it was written on the bricks,,, and I told God to confirm to me but there is no any answer until now so I'm having difficulties in believing in this dream,,,
Marko Joensuu said…
It is good to be cautious with these kinds of dreams and look for confirmation, as if they aren't from God, they might cause you to close all the other doors in anticipation of the "right one".

Let me share my own story regarding this issue, as God spoke to me about my wife in different ways before I met her, but some of it confused me greatly before the right season arrived. The link to the story is below:
Unknown said…
Thank this article was helpful.I'm having this dream for years and it keeps on coming back, dreaming of a guy always showing interest in me bt no action is taking place. He is a born again and I also a born again, both single and in our late youth stage.I prayed about it and its coming stronger. Pls help what does it mean
Marko Joensuu said…
These kind of dreams can visualise your subconscious or conscious interest in this person. Most of these kind of dreams are linked to our subconscious processing our emotions. It's hard to say much more than that. But it would be useful to spend a lenghty time on prayer if you think that this dream might be a message from God, as it can be sometimes difficult to separate soul from the Spirit. https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2014/06/40-lessons-in-prophetic.html

Here's a link to a story of how I met my wife.

Das said…
I had a dream so vivid and it disturbed me even when I awoke. I dreamt I went to a close friend's house. When I enter I see a decapitated head on the floor. I am not frightened but more shocked and call to my friend to come see this. When she comes she tells me this is the head of her nanny but then when we to to the lounge her nanny is there sweeping and the nanny is identical to the head on the floor. My friend decides she wants to call her mother. (In real life her mother has passed away) her mum answers and I can hear her voice. She tells my friend to stick the head onto the bottom half of a plastic doll like those barbie doll bottoms. My friend does this. Her mother tells her just keep wiping it and cleaning. So my friend starts to do this but is seeming as if she cannot understand why she needs to do this. Somehow her mothers senses it and says to her dont think just do what I am telling you to do. She keeps wiping and suddenly this head and doll thing turns into a baby girl that's about a year old. This baby though was like an evil entity and its eyes were very black. In me though I could not help but feel sorry for this baby but something tells me beware of it. And something in my dream tells me to hide my face from this baby because if she sees me then she will be after me as well. So I find a scarf cover my face and we take the baby outside. My friend says she will be back and leaves me alone with the baby but I get scared and leave and run away.

My second dream which I gave had two similar dreams is of being chased by a stranger. I first dream it was a lady but it was as if she was after me for the wrong reason but did not end up catching me. Second dream was of group of people where I sought safety with people I knew but these group of people chasing me reached me and then attacked these people and left me alone as if they were chasing me to get to these people.
Das said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marko Joensuu said…
These kinds of dreams should rarely be taken literally. But what is probably happening is that you have a dormant gift of discerning spirits which is engaging with your subconscious. So, your subconscious is visualising the hidden demonic influence in your environment through a dream. The dream itself is a product of your subconscious trying to alert you of this hidden influence in a visual form. So, mostly you don't have to be concerned of the specifics, although the dream can often point to the direction of where this influence is coming from.

Here's aan article on this topic.


And here's some audio teaching on the same topic.


Unknown said…
Hi sorry to bother i forgot how long ago i had this dream where i saw the bible in a big and bright,white place i was kneeling down and the bible pages started to flip and i ended up seeing Exodus 4:12 and after that i heard a voice but i forgot what i heard but something came over me like if i had peace for some reason since sometimes I have dreams about others and i don't know if I should just keep them to myself.
Marko Joensuu said…
The reference to Exodus 4:!2 is significant, as it gives you the way how to proceed with the dreams. There are many dreams I have seen about other people that I know are from God but I won't need to share. In these cases they are mainly to help me intercede for the people I have seen in the dream. But there are other times I need to share the dream. Applying Exodus 4:!2 to your situation, if you pray after you have seen one of these kinds of dreams, God will tell you what to do about it.
Pamela said…
Mr. Joensuu, I have a situation that has been going on since I was in my late teens or early 20s. Ever since I saw the movie, "A Distant Thunder," the sequel to "A Thief in the Night," I have had horrible nightmares about guillotines. I have this terrible fear that that is how God wants me to die. Every time I have this dream, I wake up totally terrified, begging Him to take me in the Rapture, or in a peaceful way. What makes it even more terrifying is that during the Obama regime, I dreamed that I was in a boat just far enough away to be considered in International Waters, but close enough that I could see New York, and other cities--Charlotte, Boston, Philadelphia, etc,and in every one, there were huge metal sculptures of the "44th President" right near the guillotines, showcasing the concept that anyone who does not worship this man will end up a head shorter. I felt polarized. I didn't want to pull into any port and leave the ship, but I had no idea of how long I would be safe there, nor did I know if I could save anyone on the shore. Now that he's out of office, it's back to walking past guillotines, sometimes facing them head on, as if I'm supposed to be next. But I always wake up, and when I do, I'm screaming, and my poor dear husband has to calm me down. Are these dreams warnings from God, Satanic torture, or some screwed up combination of the two?
Anonymous said…
I had a dream last night. I was at my former school colleague's birthday party. There was a farm it was green all over. I was with my 2 best friend walking around. I saw a snake, I screamed and jumbed. My two friends turned into snakes.one of them almost chocked herself because the tail was too long. They started fighting with something that looked like a spider but it was big. They ran towards me so I jumped thinking that they will bite me. And woke up.
Marko Joensuu said…
I would suggest that this has something to do with your subconscious fears being visualised because of some demonic influences in your environment/relationships. So, the content of the dream is not that important apart from the main point: the guillotine. For example, I often see a noose in my mind when there is a demonic operation of the enemy attempting to bring thoughts about suicide into someone's mind. So, for example, if anyone in your environment or you yourself suffer from depression or suicidal thoughts, this kind of dream is an indication that they are being caused by some level of demonic influence.

If you have an hour, you might find listening to this audio teaching useful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVT6jasjbb4
Marko Joensuu said…
These kind of dreams are usually an indication that you might have some level of gift of discerning spirits, as invisible spiritual influences are visualised by our subconscious in our dreams.

This audio teaching might be helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVT6jasjbb4

Also, this might be useful: https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2019/10/8-dangers-of-ministering-in-gift-of.html
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the feedback from my last dream.

I had another dream of snakes again. I was sleeping on my bed with my 3 year old daughter.i saw 2 snakes in my blankets, I immediately hold my daughter and run outside. These two snakes followed me outside (the other one was too small and the other was very big. I ran towards the gate and out of nowhere a dog appeared and bite my right hand ( fingers). Please tell what this dream came from
Anonymous said…
I had another dreamof snakes. i was sleeping on my bed with my 3year old daughter and I saw two snakes in the blankets. I took my baby and ran out. They followed me outside (the other one was too small and the other one was very big). I ran towards the gate and out of nowhere a dog appeared and bite my right hand ( fingers) please tell me where this dream came from
Marko Joensuu said…
This kind of dream is usually heavily symbolic and an outcome of the gift of discerning spirits interacting with our subconcscious. So, there are definitely some demonic influences in your environment affecting your family life and possibly with people you are helping (a dog biting a hand that feeds it). But these kind of dreams aren't always so precise when it comes to symbols, so they can also visualise your hidden fears that are activated by the negative spiritual environment.

If you have time, I'd recommend listening to my message on how to develip the gift of discerning spirits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVT6jasjbb4

Also, my book "Supernatural Love: Releasing the Compassion of Jesus Through the Gifts of the Spirit" deals with the gift of discerning spirits extensively.
Kwezzy said…
Hi Marko. I've been a practicing Christian for 5 years now. Recently overcome long term addictions. Fornication and smoking. I do find it hard to concentrate and I feel like God gets through to me best by my dream time (maybe). I had this dream where I was speaking to a celebrity boxer. He was fighting soon and encouraged me to fly over to join his team for support. I was more happy that we were both Christians than him being famous. This dream stuck with me very clearly after waking up. I was keen to know what This dream meant. In the dream we was encouraging each other because of our similarities in struggles. Hope to read your response in the near future. God bless
Marko Joensuu said…
Paul says in 1 Cor. 9:26: "So I do not run like one who runs aimlessly or box like one beating the air." This kind of dream is often linked to visualising spiritual warfare through dreams. The dream might be linked to God calling you to participate in some kind of ministry. But often you will already have a prompting about it in your heart.
Unknown said…
Hi, I recently had a dream I was walking with my new wife towards an old train station. Then I found only myself inside, taking a quick tour. At one part of the tour I arrived in the main large hall of the station and was told to choose the black glass double door in front of me, which were vibrating a little, or the window to my left. I chose the window, and was told to reach through it (it was partially swung open), I reached around to the right and (as if I could see through the wall where my hand was reaching), grabbed an old-style, large metal key that was hanging on the wall outside. I brought the key in and walked it over to the guy who was basically the tour guide, and he very carefully hung it up on a hook, on a peg board on a wall inside the station. I woke up, and felt very peaceful and happy. Any ideas what that was about?
Marko Joensuu said…
At train station is a place of departures and arrivals, and as it is an old train station and your wife doesn't enter with you, it represents your old life before your marriage. A window represents seeing and understanding. The black door that you can't see through represents departures. The fact that you choose the window rather than a departure means that a solution (key) to a problem is discovered through understanding. It seems you have lost a key to something important and it needs to be returned to its proper place inside the train station where it will be needed in future to open something - but not yet. It is down to you and not to your wife to discover the key (solution) to a future problem. But it really is a key that you used to have but you have lost in a sense that it is just outside window on the other side (just beyond your consciousness and awareness). But you used to have it before, as it there is a peg for it inside the station. Now what problem (future/already emerging) this key is a solution to I have no idea about. But perhaps you know. You must reflect on the skills/attitudes you used to have before you got married.
Unknown said…
Thank you Marko! Everything you said really makes sense. I can say that the main thing that I need right now (the solution to all of our problems) is a job. So many things are depending on me getting a job. I'm doing everything I can to find one, but I'm not having any luck...I don't know why. I wonder why I woke up from that dream with a sense of peace and calm? It sounds like that dream should have caused me anxiety or frustration because I can't find those skills/attitudes I used to have.
Marko Joensuu said…
The peace and calm signify that God is in charge of the situation. He will help you at the moment when you will need to use the key.
Unknown said…
Is there anything I need to do, or should do at this point?
Marko Joensuu said…
It is good to ask for God's guidance over this issue on a daily basis along the lines of the Lord's Prayer: "Your kingdom come, your will be done" - and thank God for the provision of the daily bread. This way, you keep on confessing the Lordship of Jesus over your life on a daily basis and give Him an active permission to guide you.
Unknown said…
Marko, Thank you for all of your responses to my questions. I really appreciate it! It's important to have good counsel with things like this, so I really appreciate it! If there's anything else you think would be helpful for me to know, feel free to tell me. I'm 100% to God's directions. Thank you!
Unknown said…
hey, I had a dream that i was looking in the mirror and my armpent was so hairy that it even went down my waist. What could this mean?
Marko Joensuu said…
This kind of dream is unlikely to have any spiritual meaning. It is probably linked to the hidden insecurities we all have.
Unknown said…
I had a dream that water was being poured on me in church.i woke up and was shivering in bed.i am a lady pastor married to a pastor.that same day i had a heated argument with my husband before leaving for church that very evening.my husband used our arguments as sermon that evening and pointed accusing fingers at me.and this was the dream i had at 12:29am.please help me understand this dream.thank you
Marko Joensuu said…
It does seem that if you saw this dream before the events that happened that it would be a warning dream. Your family is definitely in a spiritual battle right now. The first step is to forgive your husband so that the devil doesn't get a bigger foothold. I'd recommend you to listen my message on developing the gift of discerning spirits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVT6jasjbb4
Unknown said…
Hello I'm 14 and i believe in the word of God. God Bless you all. I had a dream just last night and all i can remember was that my family and I were going to this amusement park but then we were standing on this tall skyscraper and they were all happy. Suddenly i saw the earth shake a little and saw smoke come out of a volcano. I told my parents and then their were more volcanoes about to erupt. Then my mom said "Poderoso Dios" witch is translated in spanish Powerful God and then in my dream i said "Santo Dios" witch is Holy God. Then the skyscraper we were on was tumbling and we all fell but when we fell i woke up and i felt dizzy and my head hurt.
Marko Joensuu said…
Dreams are symbolic language - I believe this dream is showing that no matter what scary happens around you, even unexpectedly, God will protect you and be with you. Even when you fall, He will be there to catch you.
Unknown said…
I had a dream where I was above the stair case right by my bedroom, and I was looking in the sky then, Jesus came out of the sky, But he wasn't as bright as people described him, he was still bright he came to me and told me he loved me. The thing is I don't know If I had this dream just because Ive been watching all these rapture videos?
Marko Joensuu said…
What we watch can certainly affect our dreams, so it is difficult to say in this case.
Unknown said…
Yesterday I had a dream that I was walking with my daughter, niece and another female. I told the girls that I was pregnant, they were happy, the other girl that I can't remember in the dream said she was pregnant too. My daughter asked if I had told her stepfather yet, I said no. I turned around, he caught up to me and I looked at him and said God has found favor in you, I'm pregnant. At that point, I woke up to my phone ringing.
Marko Joensuu said…
The litmus test of realistic interpretation of this kind of dream is if all women in the dream indeed become pregnant. But often, these kinds of dreams have a symbolic meaning - being spiritually pregnant, which means that God is doidng a new thing in all these lives.
Unknown said…
Hello I had a dream where by I saw my ex and my current boyfriend and I heard a voice telling me in the dream that my ex is not serious with me that my new boyfriend is the one serious with me I dreamt it after listening to my ex boyfriend are couple of days trying to tell me that he wants to come back to me ,,,can you please help me is this dream from God?
Anonymous said…
Hie I had a dream where I was being chased by two robbers m(around my age) I ran away but there continue to run after me. I got to a place where it looked likep people gather there to worship God like a church place. I said to myself I shouldn't be afraid because I'm in the house of God. Those guy came but to my surprise they started to look around like they didn't care about me anymore. I took their hands the other to the right and other to the left side and I started praying. The man of God of that church came and asked me wat was happening but he already knew he wanted me to share the testimony with the congregation . I told him that I'm not the one to testify but the guys have a testimony to share. I smiled and left
Unknown said…
I heard a voice in my dream didn't see the voice telling me it must be the last time I say I have Aids it sounded like warning voice when I wake up was sweating
Marko Joensuu said…
This dreams sounds like your subconscious might be telling you something. I don't believe that it is a message from God, but it might still be useful in making a decision regarding the issue.
Marko Joensuu said…
It sounds more like a subconscious fear manifested in a dream.
Marko Joensuu said…
That is a beautiful dream about being able to lead people who oppose you at some level into the Kingdom of God.
Unknown said…
Hello Marko,kindly assist me.I usually have 3 types of dream,(1)PROPHETIC DREAMS-When i dream of something,usually it comes to paas. (2)HEALING DREAMS-I sometimes dream praying for the sick and the get healed,the Blind sees,the Deaf Hears,the Crippled walk. (3)FINANCIAL DREAMS-In most cases i also dream a lot of money,e.g when i stand near the ATM Machine it opens and i start collecting the money,may be i also dream walking in the bush and come across
some Diamond,Gold,but these riches are not coming,kindly assist My email address Sir is negsonkaleya@gmail.com
Unknown said…
Hi! So about 4-5 years ago I had just left a very long toxic relationship. I had a dream though that people wear screaming and crying and running around panicking and there was fire everywhere, like it wad the end of times. So the next thing that happened was I heard a mans voice (I believe it was God) saying "Don't worry, where we're going they can't see us" then took me into what i believe was his white robe cause it was bright white light!! I then woke up feeling almost relieved. I cried from the feeling so strongly I got which felt maybe like god himself or the holy spirit.
Unknown said…
I use to dream a lot,at times I will see myself in a congregation where people are praising God.
I do see myself performing miracles in a church.It got to a point that i was always scared each time I want to go to bed.
Marko Joensuu said…
It is possible that God is wanting to activate spiritual gifts in your life or that God is calling you to ministry.
Unknown said…
I dreamt carrying my own flesh half part of my body from shoulder to buttocks and it was clean even inside what does it mean in the Bible?
Marko Joensuu said…
"Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and of spirit, making holiness perfect in the fear of God."(2 Corinthians 7:1)
Unknown said…
I had two dreams the first one was I got sick with covid-19 my fingers are my lips turn blue I could not breathe so I went to the hospital they intubated me I couldn't hear everything in the room but I could not see I was laying in bed what a doctor told the nurse that it's time turn the machine off my boyfriend kissed me on the forehead then everything went silent the second dream that I had I was in a big house with all my loved ones that have passed away there was no one there that was a alive I was worried about my boyfriend not being there my dad wanted to pray but you didn't speak I looked at his face and I knew what he was thinking we prayed but I all I heard was Whispers God and my dad looked at me it was like he was saying she can have salvation but going to be really hard a long road ahead and I woke up I don't know what all this means I don't know if God is trying to get me prepared or it's my mind I would like maybe if someone would let me know what they think about this I greatly appreciate it I do have a heart condition and if I do get in contact with covid-19 I would not make it
Ik said…
In this my dream what happened seems like I usually do it. I jumped a fence into somewhere like a boarding school compound. Removed my cloth and kept in a corner. Got into the school I knew. When I wanted to jump out. I wasn’t able to find my clothes, then I was held by some officials almost naked and they were ready to crucify me. I woke up breathing heavily. It was so real
Ik said…
Please I need to know the meaning
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think that you need to worry about the meaning of this dream. Many dreams process our subconscious fears in story form. I would think this is one of them. But you can reflect on what things you might find intimidating in your everyday life. These issues might be the source of your fears. The best thing is to bring those things to God.
Koko081012 said…
I had a dream that I was at my uncles house by myself (his house is always where we had holiday meals and I went there often as a child) My extended family andy parents began to show up one at a time. We decided to have dinner. My aunt instructed me to go get the watermelon. As I went to go into the kitchen I hear them praying around the table a catholic prayer. I seen part of the watermelon sticking out of the bag, it looked as though something was wrong with it. I pulled it out of the bag and half the watermelon was perfect and half looked like it had been at on, or rotted. I could see a spot in it that looked brown.as I tried to investigate further a big brown spider jumped out of the watermelon and landed on the front of my shirt. My mom came into the room and I asked her for help and she refused. And I woke up as the spider began to quickly climb toward my face.

A couple nights later..I had another dream that I was about 12 years old. I was at a horse barn. (I used to show horses as a kid so horse barns were a common place for me to be) but this fair ground/ horse barn had a board walk.. I was walking down the board walk and all these wild animals started coming underneath the board walk. I began tontry and shoot them when I heard one of the animals cry. I looked only to see it was my mom's dog. I scooped him up and went running towards my mom who was in the barn. And said he is ok he is ok.. he is shot but its in the leg. We need to take him to the vet. She looked at me and then reached her hand into the leg and pulled out the bullet. And then dog yelped at the fingers being in its leg, when she pulled out the bullet he stopped yelping and was fine and she just looked at me.

I woke up feeling these had spiritual implications and have been praying on the Lord to give me wisdom but I don't know what they mean. Now I'm really confused on why mom would help the dog and not me?
Marko Joensuu said…
Both of thee dreams are linked to God showing that you have the gift of discerning spirits, which your family members might not have, hence they are not always able to discern the dangers that you are able to discern.

The spider and the wild animals represent demonic beings.

Here is a link to my article (and some audio messages)on this gift: https://www.mentoringprophets.com/2018/07/9-steps-in-developing-gift-of.html
Anonymous92 said…
I had a dream last that has me thinking. I have been struggling lately with my faith. I made and continued to make these bad choices. I asked God for forgiveness about 2 times. Still, I continued but have not asked for forgiveness in months. I feel like He will not forgive me anymore. Last night in my dream I was with my family at a beautiful church. I found myself asking with hands in the air crying for God to forgive me! It felt so real. One person picked me up and took me to another part of the church where I was a little scared but immediately that feeling went away. I was smiling & woke up. I’m ready to be forgiven. I feel like it was sign for God.
Marko Joensuu said…
It does indeed seem to be a sign from God. It might also be that God will be sending someone your way that will help you grow in your faith.
Unknown said…
Hi, i had a dream where i was driving with my four supervisors, four of them are male, so we driving to Zimbabwe, I've never been there I'm from South afruca, while they were driving, like they were driving on opposite lane and i was so scared because they were driving too fast, so we decided to stop had lunch vy the side of the road while we were at it, i took boiling water pure it on the raw meat and it turned black they complained, one of my colleague showed up out of nowhere calling baby saying look i was almost knocked off by the car. I see my youngest supervisor sitting and back praying but pretending that he was sleeping.
Marko Joensuu said…
I don't think you should take this dream too seriously, although it might give you some discernment regarding your subconscious fears.
Unknown said…
Please help me
I had a dream where we were in the church...a crowded church and the prophet was passing by and he prophecies to some of us, and to me he said that there is something marvelous that God is about to do for and he put something like sand in my palm
But am confused here because the prophet in that dream is the one I know and people are saying he is not of God... through his behavior
Marko Joensuu said…
God might be telling you through the dream that there is a false prophecy that you have received in the past that you have believed that is affecting your life - but the expected blessing has turned out to be just sand in your hand.
Unknown said…
I am really interested in Christ's Mission & Ministry .
Everyday I am praying for it & I am asking God to show a sign about my future ministry .

One week ago I got a dream
In the dream I was told very clearly ISAIAH CHAPTER - 61 .
Please interpret & explain to me what it means .
Thank you
Marko Joensuu said…
Isaiah 61 is a messianic prophecy, and Jesus reads it in Luke 4:16-30. In the context of your dream, it is there to tell about the nature of your ministry. For example, over 25 years ago, many people quoted prophetically the prophet Jeremiah's call to be a "prophet to the nations", taken from Jeremiah 1. Now, over 20 years later, people from around the world are either linked to my ministry or benefiting from the teachings. So, in your case, Isaiah 61 tells something very important about the nature of your future ministry.
Unknown said…
i had a dream...when i told someone in my dream i had a dream when i president..when i told him he jumped around joyously..the second one my wife was yelling at me saying what kind of president who lives in one room which is incomplete..then i told her be calm stop yelling..then she calmed..when i woke up i told her, then we prayed for confirmation..she had one when i was giving a presidential speech..the following day i dreamed people calling her first lady...the last dream i was president walking towards the police and army truck and i called the commander and i told him to prepare the soldiers to go to mozambique to fight alshabab...could it be that i am president?
Marko Joensuu said…
Mostly, dreams are the product of our subconscious, as we process different issues through symbolic language or visual narrative. Hence they should not be used as guidance on their own.
unknown17 said…
back in January, i was in a service when i heard an aggressive voice in my head tell me break up with my boyfriend, i was so confused so lost, words couldn’t even explain and for the first few days i ignored it but it kept coming stronger, i was confused due to me and my boyfriend being in a good relationship following Christ and it was so weird; i also questioned if it was my mental health because i’ve been dealing with depression for a while so... the voices till this day continue to replay and i even feel like i’ve came to agreement and belief that these voices were God because of how constant they were, i seeked Godly Counsel we’ve prayed and prayed and they’ve told me it’s the enemy and that our relationship is fine etc etc but something in me won’t accept that.... and last night as i prayed i asked God to cover my mind with his blood & that if he was willing to speak into my dreams then will he do so and more then i ended up having a short dream of my Pastor texting someone or us, i’m not sure but the text was something like “Hey, i’m marrying these two couples and somethings just not right i don’t think they should” something along those lines basically not approving and i woke up questioning if it was God bc i prayed that night before and i’ve also been looking for answers... it’s just a lot.... i’ve naturally felt that every sermon, every text is towards me even on social media so i’m not sure if i’m believing the wrong thing or what.... is this a dream from God?
Marko Joensuu said…
When I started to hear from the Lord I also soon started to "hear" aggressive thoughts that confused me. I soon understood that these voices didn't come from within me (they were not inner voices) but they broke into my consciousness from the outside. I soon learnt how to discern between different sources. What is clear is that these aggressive voices are not the Lord. I would also discount most dreams at this stage. Most dreams we see are the product of our subconscious, some are demonically influenced and a few are from God.
Unknown said…
Hi mark ,praise the lord
Already few years before I texted you about my dreams .you said it might be god's gift of dicerning spirts .later I got lots of dreams .once I wake up from my dream somehow I used to guess the interpretation .to d additional note am suffering from one rare skin disorder for past 15 years .only by god's grace am surviving now ,doctors said it's not curable .and the prob will be life long. I used to get abscess on my armpits and groin to the size of peanut sometimes baseball size..I used to get dreams for past 10 more years .mostly repeated dreams . especially my aunt ( my dad's elder sister ) comes often in my dream .she is alive .and we don't have any personal prob with her. Once she started coming in my dreams I get the feeling of hesitation when I see her n person .here I am tying my dreams I got in 2021 .from Jan

JAN month
1.One bird came and sat on my armpit .dats all its the dream
The very next day I got abscess in my armpit

Feb month
2.its Sunday morning ,it's my birthday n dream am getting ready for church ,my aunt comes home to wish me .she gave me one birthday present ,it's one photo frame without any photo on it.on seeing that I felt some witch craft has been done on that so I broke that photo frame's backside ,to my suprise one small palm size peacock was there on back of photo frame .when I asked my aunt .she refused to accept .I said I know god's plan for my life at the same time I know what you have planned against me. She smiled and left

3.am in one of my relatives house ,there some function they are serving food .am eating mine .one of my cousin ran to my mom and asking to pray before eating food as my aunt mixed some witchcrafted thing in food

4.three peacocks are there in my house upstairs .

Continuing in next comment
Unknown said…
5.one large king cobra snake is on my groin
In that week I got one abscess in my groin
6.in my grandma's place ,it's midnyt am sitting out in patio ,I saw one devil standing near one tree ,his face is so horrible and its burnt ,there is full of fire around that devil .am praying it's in front of me .it's visible only to me ,as my sister cant able to see it ,the more I pray that devil's devils face comes close to my face ,it's very close but the couldnt able to touch me ,it's going back to same place where it was ,it repeats ,am praying ,he's face coming near me and goes back. That time in red colour letters ...one line comes in front me in between me and that devil it says "did you fall into 45 yrs curse ?" I got up .my current age s 27

7.yesterday I got one dream
Am wearing my white coat (am studying dental science ) and eating suddenly I started to throw the food everywere .I became aggressive and beating myself ,am hurting myself wit my nails ,my mom and sister asking what happen ..am trying to answer but I can't able to open my mouth and talk ,my body started to pain .it's like crunching my veins. Am immobile,am trying to pray bt I can't able to .but I heard one voice praying it's similar to my voice it says " god please deliver me from this 50 years bondage ,I don't want anything else in my life ".I dint pray bt I heard this voice .at the same time I saw scene ,like in one big room full of people praying raising hand ,in one corner my aunt is sitting in sofa ,she looks very young (now her age is 75)
She has one big hollow loop in her hand ,which is black in colour ,it's in one bicycle tyre size ,she lifts that ring and seeing my face through that hole ,she shouts like atleast this time I should win .am trying hard for 50 yrs ,as she lifts the black loop my pain in my body increases ,I became so immobile .am thinking now the devil is going to win plz someone cal my dad to pray .
I got up .for two min I felt the pain even after I woke up

These are my dreams in this year.its do confusing.,I feel like my dreams reveal something related to my health issue..I dnt no what it's mean .it's god revealing anything about the past I need to know and pray to get healed or its devil that confuses me .
My dad is not believing me. He s saying am imagining myself and saying its devil which gives bad dreams about his sister .but I feel it's god trying to talk wit me .

Plz reply sir
Thank you
Marko Joensuu said…
I am not sure if the actual content of these dreams matters. They seem more like a reaction of your subconscious mind to demonic spiritual environment somewhere around you. So, the demonic interference is real, but the visualisation of it through dreams might be misleading. I would recommend listening to my audio teaching on developing the gift of discerning spirits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVT6jasjbb4&t=238s
Unknown said…
Thanks for your reply sir .are you saying it's my imagination that comes as these dreams ..I thought it's god that reveals something ..can you please elaborate..am so confused
Marko Joensuu said…
Most dreams are in fact the product of our subconscious. Even if God is mentioned in a dream, it doesn't automatically mean that a dream is from God. Also, the spiritual environment we are in affects our dreams, and for example, if we have a demonic spiritual environment, that will result in distorted dreams. It is a mistake to believe that all dreams are from God; most dreams have nothing to do with God. In most dreams our subconscious processes issues we might not be fully aware of and makes them apparent. For example, a spiritual warfare situation might result in dreams where there is a lot of fear or fighting. But often, the exact content of the dream is not that relevant.
May said…
Dear Mark I dreamt last night I was leading my pastor to his office after church service and I was wearing his shoes. When we entered his secretary's office I gave him way to pass to enter his office. When he left and I looked at the shoes I had exchanged them so I quickly wore them well. Please what does it mean?
Marko Joensuu said…
These kinds of dreams must always be inspected prayerfully. But the message of the dream seems to be that you have been called to some kind of ministry (wearing pastor's shoes) and that the way to the ministry goes through service (letting the pastor in first). But normally, any call to ministry is usually confirmed also externally (by someone else) and not just through an internal witness.
Unknown said…
I had this dream where i saw a new bookstore and in that dream i knew that the store belonged to me. Then i saw a notice written that the store belonged to me (my name was mentioned) and that it was opened on 6th July 2021, a date in the future.

In another dream I approached an elevator. I group of people came out and i heard them talking about 100th floor so i thought it was the top most floor so i decided to go there. I entered and pressed the button but later realized that it was not the top most floor. The elevator continud to go up without stopping at the 100th floor. The next thing i find myself on a street, then i realize that I dont have my handbag. I start looking around worried that someone has stolen from me. Then i see it on the foyer of a shop so i run towards it thinking that everything in it is stolen but when i check inside i find everything intact and I said only God can do this. What do you think this means?
Anonymous said…
I was from church with my friends. I walk out of the church, it was on a dirt road. as I walked I saw a kinda white big dog. I start praying (Lord please protect me...) but before I finish the dog comes in front of me. I get scared so I run. it comes back and I try to act like I'm not scared so I scream at it to go away but it continues chasing me vice versa.

P.S. When I was a kid I used to be super terrified by dogs and even got chased by a similar one in my neighborhood (which kind of traumatized me)

Can you please tell me what's the meaning of this dream?
Anonymous said…
I was from church with my friends. I walk out of the church, it was on a dirt road. as I walked I saw a kinda white big dog. I start praying (Lord please protect me...) but before I finish the dog comes in front of me. I get scared so I run. it comes back and I try to act like I'm not scared so I scream at it to go away but it continues chasing me vice versa.

P.S. When I was a kid I used to be super terrified by dogs and even got chased by a similar one in my neighborhood (which kind of traumatized me)

Can you please tell me what's the meaning of this dream?
Marko Joensuu said…
Depending on how the dog was chasing you (aggressively or just trying to stay close to you), it might mean either a spiritual attack or angelic protection. In one of my own dreams I was chased by wild beasts but then a white guard dog came between the beasts and myself, so that they were not able to attack me. So, this could indicate that God is telling you that there is a guardian angel following you wherever you go. But if it was aggressive or menacing, then it would indicate a spiritual attack under the guise of deception.
Marko Joensuu said…
Most dreams are the product of our subconscious that processes our fears and issues through symbolic visualisation in the nighttime when we are asleep. I'd think that both dreams belong to this category. So, these dreams might have a meaning to you, but that doesn't automatically mean that they would be messages from God.

Obviously, if something major happens 6th July 2021, that would explain the first dream in which case it would be a predictive dream.But I guess that you will know whether it is a predictive dream by the end of that day.
danicoimbra91 said…
One year ago I had a dream that caught my attention. Can you help to interpret?

I dreamed that by accident I stopped at a small church. An assembly of God-style church. There were about 40 people. When I came in..out of nowhere.. a woman spoke... "is there anyone here that suffers of anxiety?" I was ashamed to confess that I have anxiety but went to the altar for her to pray for me and I was healed.

Then another woman in the church said that there were people in my life that I wasn't appreciating.

In the dream they also said that my first child will be a music minister. In the moment I'm single.

Also in the dream I was very interested in a very handsome guy I met at work, but he doesn't serve God and deep down I knew I was wrong.

This man gave me a ride in his car, but something happened with the car and that's how I entered in this small church.

In this small church there was a guy not so handsome as this guy from my work. But I
could see in his attitude that he was crazy about me and I stopped to flirt with the man from my workplace and gave my heart to this church man.
Anonymous said…
I had a dream that I was in a house fellowship, where one our our members gave me alot of gift to share to everyone in the fellowship while after sharing the gift to everyone,I was left with a dress but in my dream,I was not pleased with what was left with me because I wanted a cap. what do you think about this dream?
Marko Joensuu said…
I have been reflecting on this for a few days - it is most likely that all these dreams are linked with you processing your hopes and dreams in your dreams. So, I don't think that they include divine revelation as such, but they might be helpful in understanding of what you hope and fear for in your heart.
Marko Joensuu said…
I'd think that this dream might be linked to a feeling that you are serving in the role that you don't find to be the right one for you. The dress might be more desired by some others, but you want a cap. You need to reflect on what the cap might mean to you - is there something that deep in your heart you would like to do but feel obstructed from doing (either by others in your church or by your own fears)? You might need to seek the Lord prayerfully regarding the areas of service you are involved in and what you should be involved in.