I received this prophetic word about the coming
reformation of the European church in August 2009.
I had been in Prague and Venice for two weeks and
just returned to London. I got an inkling of the coming
prophetic word in Prague when I visited the rebuilt
Bethlehem Chapel. It is the place where Jan Hus, one of
the first Protestant reformers preached in the early
15th century.
As I was standing in the empty church I had a strong sense
about some kind of residual 'reformer's anointing' in that
place. As I walked out, I heard these words in my spirit:
"The reformers are already in your midst."
This started a two-week exploration in prayer regarding
what these words could mean. I received the actual
prophetic word straight after returning to London.
I believe that the place where I received these words
provides the context for the prophetic message. The
original Bethlehem Chapel was the first ever purpose-built
preaching house in Europe. Jan Hus, who had been
strongly influenced by the English Reformer John
Wycliffe's teaching, preached in the chapel in the Czech
language for many years before he was burnt alive
at the stake.
The chapel could hold two thousand, and was often
bursting with people, including kings and queens as they
came to listen to Jan Hus. His martyrdom sparked the
Czech national revival. The Moravian church that fuelled
the world evangelism with their 24/7 prayer movement in
the 18th century - their prayer went uninterrupted for 100
years and sparked many reform movements including
Methodism - was birthed by the followers of Jan Hus.
Please read these prophetic words carefully. I offer them
for your prayerful consideration, wisdom and discernment.
The message starts with a short word for KT, indicating
that we will be part of this coming move of God.
Building the house through prayer
"My touch in KT will be so strong that the people in
services will be weeping for the sins of the nation, and
the weeping will come from the heart. They will pray,
ceaselessly, and their prayer lives will be transformed, as
My Spirit will guard their prayers. Their hearts will be
shaken and stirred by My Spirit and they will walk by
My power.
There won't be any big 'fireworks' but just steady prayer.
The doors of the house will be open for prayer, and people
will come and stand in unison, in the house. The doors will
be open for anyone that will come, regardless their
denomination. My house will be built upon prayer.
There will be a strong prayer revival in Europe. People
will be praying in their nations, in their houses, in their
churches. They will fast and they will pray and they will
cry for the living God to change things and intervene in
their nation. They will stand together across
denominational lines. The churches that are old and have
accumulated many traditions, layer upon layer, they will
exchange their traditions for a living experience of the
living God.
This is not what the world expects to happen. This is not
what the church expects to happen. I will make it happen.
My fire will be coming upon My houses again. There will
be such a wonderful thing amongst My people that they,
in their cities, will actually pray together! They will come
together - not from every denomination but from many
denominations - and they will join hands and pray for
their city. They will pray for their city, and they will not
stop. They will keep on praying, and I will begin to touch
the hearts of these people.
Breaking the yoke over cities
There will be a day coming in the lives of these people
when they will say: 'Enough is enough! I will stand for
Jesus in this city! I will take this city for Jesus! I will take
this nation for Jesus!'
They will stand up and proclaim My Word. They will not
use any big shows or fireworks but they will stay in their
prayer closets and say,
'Lord, I want to take this city. I want to take this nation. I
want to stand with You Jesus. And I will not proclaim any
other word but I will proclaim Your Word. Your Word is
like a fire in my lips and I will proclaim Your Word. I will
not compromise Your Word. I will proclaim Your Word
whether they listen or not.'
I will give them the anointing that will break the yoke in
their cities. There will be people gathering around these
people because, I will use people - I always use people,
people of fire! There will be people gathering around these
people, individuals and groups.
They will say. 'There is a fire here and I want to be in this
fire for the rest of my life. This is the fire of God.'
They will begin to gather but the troops will not to be
formed yet. There will be gatherings of thousands and
thousands of people all over Europe as people will worship
Me. There will be a strong worship movement in Europe
and people will begin to worship Me like they have never
worshipped Me before.
They will worship Me for they will understand the times.
They will say, 'Times are evil; I need to worship the Lord.'
The gatherings will grow big and they will take stadiums
for Jesus in Europe. But these are only Christians - My
power is yet to be released.
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Five Movements: Winning the Battle for Your Prophetic Gift |
Then My power will be released! I will bring multitudes to
Me, and again, I will build churches in Europe, in London,
and everywhere. I will build big churches of fire-filled
Christians who will take My Word to their cities and
nations. They will burn with My fire, and they will hear
My voice. These people will be the ones who will take My
Word to the media, to the streets.
Time will come for the reformation of the hearts of the
ministers. They will seek My face again, and there will not
be another day like that for Europe. This will be the last
reformation in Europe before the darkness will rise. When
the darkness will come it will be dark, darker than dark,
and the darkness will not fade before I will return.
Europe isn’t one yet. It is broken. It is one continent,
divided, and people are trying to unite it. This is not the
day yet for the restoration of Europe. This is the day for
the restoration of the church in Europe. These are the days
of revival which will come before the days of persecution.
Many will grieve My Spirit with harsh words against My
people, pastors and ministers. They don’t know Me but
think that they know Me. When they will see My
movement rising, they will say,
‘It’s not the Lord. It’s against our traditions. It is against our
ways. Let’s squash it and let’s stop it because it is
Every movement that comes from Me is disruptive of
tradition. The young will know Me and the young at heart
will know Me, but the young, by and large, they will
know Me.
I will bring the youth to Me like never before in Europe.
You will not see a day in the past or future where there
will be such a revival for the youth. You will not see
stories in the magazines and newspapers but you will only
see the Bible and say,
‘This was like the days of the Bible and more.’
This mighty move in Europe will just consist of Me
sweeping through the nations and looking for My sheep.
The next thirty years will be the time for Europe to rise up
again as a church and make a difference in Europe. Then
the dark days will begin to seep in, slowly. Darkness will
come upon Europe, a strong darkness. Lights will begin to
fade away and many churches that are strong will fade
Time will not end but darkness will come. It will come
slowly; many people will not worry about it, it will be a
little thing here, a little thing there, and then people will
wake up and say,
‘Our nations have been taken away from us. They used to be
with us but now they aren’t with us any more. They are doing
their own things and don’t care about God.’
The revivals will sweep over other continents but this will
be the last great revival and reformation sweeping over
Upon reflecting and praying on this word, I understood
that it was linked to a prophetic dream I saw over ten
years ago about KT as one of the special lighthouse
churches in the world. I believe that God will be building
large lighthouse churches all across Europe, churches large
enough to rise into national consciousness. The full
purpose of these churches will not be revealed until the
great darkness will rise and the beacons of these
lighthouses will be switched on. When the great darkness
will fall, these lighthouses will be visible from all across
the world.
This prophecy was first published in January 2010 issue of Revival Times. It is also included in my book Five Movements: Winning the Battle for Your Prophetic Gift.